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Supplier Profile

Toshiba America Energy Systems Corp.

6623 W. Washington St.

West Allis, WI 53214

Certifications: ISO 9001:2015

Accelerators & Accessories:

Air-Conditioning & Ventilation Equipment:

Alarm Status Reporting & Control Systems

Alarm Systems:

Alignment Systems, Rotating Machinery

Ammeters, RMS, Tong Test Type



Batteries, Standby

Camera Systems, Radiation-Hardened

Cleaning Equipment:


Computer Services:

Computer Software:

Computers & Accessories:

Condensing Pots, Steam


Consoles, Control

Construction/Engineering Services:



Containment Structures, Reactor:

Control Devices & Systems:

Control Equipment, Power Plant (Non-Reactor)

Control Rod Drives

Control Rods, Reactor

Core Structurals, Reactor

Counters, Detectors, Radiation:

Cranes & Hoists:

Data Acquisition/Handling Systems:

Decommissioning Services:

Decontamination Chemicals, Equipment & Services:

Detector Heads, Sold Separately:

Drafting Services:

Drives, Variable-Speed

Electrical Distribution & Control Equipment:

Emergency Response Equipment:


Fission Chambers

Fuel Channels

Fuel Handling Equipment & Systems:

Gas Handling Equipment:

Generators & Turbines, Emission Control

Hydraulic Systems & Components:

Inspection Services:

Inverters (DC to AC)

Ion-Exchange Systems, Materials & Services:

Ion Sources


Maintenance & Repair Services:

Metal Components & Structures:

Metallographic Equipment

Moisture Separators & Reheaters

Monitors, Radiation, Area & Special-Purpose:

Monitors, Radiation, Personnel:


Multiplexing Systems:

Neutron Detectors, Reactor:

Nondestructive Testing:

Nuclear Steam Supply Systems

Penetrations, Containment:


Pipe Whip Restraints

Piping Systems:

Power Plants, Nuclear, Platform-Mounted

Power Supplies:

Pumps, Centrifugal:

Pumps, Other:

Racks, Fuel Storage:

Radioactive Waste Handling & Treatment Equipment:

Reactor Instrumentation & Monitoring Systems:

Reactor Safety Research

Reactor Service Tools & Devices:

Remote Control, Handling & Positioning Devices & Sys.:

Remote-Viewing Instruments & Systems:

Research Services, Nuclear

Robotic Devices, Systems:

Samplers & Sampling Systems:

Seismic Restraints


Shells, Pressure Vessel

Simulators, Power Plant & Reactor

Solid Waste Reduction Equipment & Tools, Radioactive:

Startup Services

Steam Generator Maintenance & Repair:

Steam Generators, Power Plant

Steam Separators, Power Plant

Structural Supports, Component

Test Equipment & Supplies:

Testing Services:




Turbine Gears

Turbine-Generators (Including Stators & Rotors)

Turbines, Feedwater Pump

Valve Operators (Actuators):

Valve Packing Removal Equipment

Valve-Reseating Equipment, On-line

Valve Stem Gland Packing Systems, Live-Loaded

Valves, Check, Stop Check:

Valves, Control:

Valves, Pressure Seal:

Water Quality Management Services

Weld Surfacing: