OPG and Nordion employees at Darlington’s recently refurbished Unit 1, which has been modified to produce cobalt-60 isotopes. (Photo: OPG)
Ontario Power Generation in Canada announced that Unit 1 of its Darlington nuclear power plant, which has returned to service from refurbishment, is now producing the medical isotope cobalt-60. During refurbishment activities, OPG made modifications to the unit to allow it to produce Co-60, which is used to sterilize 30 percent of the world’s single-use medical devices, such as syringes, gloves, and implants.
Radiation is essential in medical diagnosis, cancer therapy, food irradiation, CT scans, security checks and detection, and many consumer products. It is ubiquitous and enormously beneficial to all forms of life on Earth.
January 31, 2025, 3:18PMNuclear NewsJong H. Kim, Gyuseong Cho, Kun-Woo Cho, Tae Soon Park & Keon W. Kang Despite its significant benefits, the public perception of radiation is generally negative due to its inherent nature: it is ubiquitous yet cannot be seen, heard, smelled, or touched—as if it were a ghost roaming around uncensored. The public is frightened of this seemingly creepy phantom they cannot detect with their senses. This unfounded fear has hampered the progress of the nuclear industry and radiation professions.
William D. Magwood IV, director general of the OCED NEA, holds the framework agreement for the Generation IV International Forum. Magwood is joined by others who attended the agreement’s signing ceremony. (Photo: OECD NEA)
One of two unfinished Westinghouse AP1000 reactors is shown in this photo of the Summer construction site. (Photo: SCE&G)
South Carolina public utility Santee Cooper and its partner South Carolina Electric & Gas (SCE&G) called a halt to the Summer-2 and -3 AP1000 construction project in July 2017, citing costly delays and the bankruptcy of Westinghouse. The well-chronicled legal fallout included indictments and settlements, and ultimately left Santee Cooper with the ownership of nonnuclear assets at the construction site in Jenkinsville, S.C.
Work will support Pickering life extension and Darlington SMRs
The Pickering nuclear power plant in Canada. (Photo: OPG)
Ontario Power Generation announced this week new contracts with BWXT Canada worth more than C$1 billion ($695.4 million) for projects at the Pickering and Darlington nuclear power plants.
Technicians work in the NSTDC, which is equipped with classrooms and demonstration capabilities, including a nuclear forensics demonstration laboratory containing microscopes, a glove box, and other relevant equipment. (Photo: F. Biquet/IAEA)
In the past year and a half, the International Atomic Energy Agency has established the Nuclear Security Training and Demonstration Center (NSTDC) to help countries strengthen their nuclear security regimes. The center, located at the IAEA’s Seibersdorf laboratories outside Vienna, Austria, has been operational since October 2023.
The Duane Arnold nuclear power plant, in Iowa. (Photo: NextEra Energy)
Iowa’s lone nuclear plant may soon see new life as NextEra Energy takes a step toward relicensing the Duane Arnold nuclear power plant.
The site of the Onkalo deep geological repository in Finland, with the Olkiluoto nuclear power plant in the background. (Photo: Posiva)
Finland’s Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority (STUK) stated that if everything goes well, it can complete the assessment of the operating license for the country’s deep geologic repository for spent nuclear fuel “well before the end of the year.”