The 2020 ANS Virtual Winter Meeting promises to be one of the year’s most exciting and informative educational Online events for attendees from every facet of nuclear science and technology.

Choose one of these participation packages to showcase your organization at the
ANS Winter Meeting, which will remain available on demand after the meeting concludes.

$20,000 Organizational Participant

Includes all the benefits of the $10,000 package PLUS:

  • A prerecorded three-minute video supplied by your company will play at the start of one of the Plenary Sessions (limited to first three)
  • 200 complimentary meeting registrations for employees or members of your organization

$10,000 Organizational Participant

Includes all the benefits of the $5,000 package PLUS:

  • Plenary title slide with company logo recognition displayed before the session (limited to first three)
  • 100 complimentary meeting registrations for employees or members of your organization

$5,000 Organizational Participant

Includes all the benefits of the $2,500 package PLUS:

  • Exclusive banner at positions on the Winter Meeting online platform
  • Complimentary virtual exhibitor booth
  • 25 complimentary meeting registrations for employees or members of your organization

$5,000 University Package

  • University logo linked to your website
  • Organizational Participant recognition on marketing emails and social media channels promoting the virtual meeting
  • 100 complimentary meeting registrations for students and faculty

$2,500 Organizational Participant

  • Company logo linked to description page to include an optional three-minute video and link to your website
  • Organizational Participant recognition on marketing emails and social media channels promoting the virtual meeting
  • Five complimentary meeting registrations for employees or members of your organization
  • Organizational Participants will be provided a list of attendees names, title, company, email (List will only include attendees who opted to share/publish their contact info.)

For more information, contact

For individual registration, contact