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Thank you for participating in Advanced Reactor Safety (ARS)!

The Proceedings of ARS are now available to all who registered for the conference. Access to the Proceedings is linked to the account you used to register for ARS/the 2024 ANS Annual Conference/ARS.

You can also access the Proceedings by logging in to the ANS website and then:

  1. Click Subscriber Access from the left-hand navigation bar to be taken to the publication platform, epubs.
  2. On the epubs platform, click Proceedings from the navigation bar.
  3. On the next page, the ARS Proceedings will be available.

The recent acceleration in advanced reactor licensing efforts, both for non-light water designs (e.g., Aurora, Hermes, Natrium, Xe-100, eVinci) and for light water designs (e.g., NuScale, BWRX-300, SMR-160), will naturally result in new and interesting safety-related research. This conference provides the advanced nuclear industry a venue to share their safety approaches and research. The Advanced Reactor Safety (ARS) conference, formerly entitled the International Topical Meeting on Advanced Reactor Safety and first held in 1994, is one of two conferences the Nuclear Installations Safety Division (NISD) has historically sponsored to support information sharing and networking across the safety community. ARS 2024 will be of interest to those working in both deterministic and probabilistic safety approaches for various applications. The meeting welcomes the submission of full-length technical papers, which will be peer reviewed and published as conference proceedings.

You are invited to submit your work for a special issue of the ANS journal Nuclear Technology or to the ANS publication platform Nuclear Science and Technology Open Research. Click the + for more information.

ARS 2024 call for journal papers

ARS 2024 has partnered with the ANS journal Nuclear Technology (NT) to publish a special issue of papers derived from the conference. Additionally, should you choose not to pursue journal publication, we invite you to consider submitting to the ANS online platform Nuclear Science and Technology Open Research (NSTOR). See below or click here for more information on NSTOR.

If interested, please contact the guest editor listed below or submit directly via the links below.

**Submission window: open now with a final deadline of September 15, 2024.


  • Your submitted paper should be derived from your conference paper but must be updated to include final results and a full description of the methods/technology.
  • For NT, your paper will go through the standard journal peer review process. This invitation is not a guarantee of acceptance or publication. For NSTOR, your article will be screened and then published online ahead of peer review.
  • Please be mindful of the article type when submitting your paper. See the descriptions online: NT | NSTOR
  • Standard publication in NT is free of charge, while open access publication is available for a fee ($2,630 per paper). NSTOR is fully open access and normally has publication charges dependent upon article type; although, these fees are 100% discounted if submitting before December 31, 2024.
  • There is no restriction on length. Please follow submission guidelines at the websites below: NT | NSTOR
  • For NT, accepted papers are published online ahead of print, immediately following copyediting and typesetting—usually within 6 to 8 weeks. The compiled special issue will follow, with print publication estimated for Q4 2025.

Submittal instructions:

Please consider the scopes of the journals when deciding where to submit.

Nuclear Technology welcomes submissions that explore all phases of applications of fundamental research to nuclear technology.
Submit to NT – Questions? Email

Nuclear Science and Technology Open Research welcomes submissions where authors prefer, or funders require, a fully open publication venue for research articles, and/or where authors would like to submit article types not typically supported by archival journals (e.g., brief reports, method articles, data notes, posters/presentations).
Submit to NSTOR – Questions? Email

Thank you again for attending ARS 2024, and we hope you participate in this special issue opportunity!

Our very best,
Mihai Diaconeasa, guest editor, ARS 2024 publications chair,
Yassin Hassan, Nuclear Technology editor-in-chief,


ChairDennis Henneke (General Electric Hitachi)

Program Chair
Matthew Denman (Kairos Power)

International Chair
Aslak Stubsgaard (Copenhagen Atomics)

Publications Chair
Mihai A. Diaconeasa (North Carolina State University)

Technical Sessions