ANS is committed to advancing, fostering, and promoting the development and application of nuclear sciences and technologies to benefit society.
Explore the many uses for nuclear science and its impact on energy, the environment, healthcare, food, and more.
Division Spotlight
Operations & Power
Members focus on the dissemination of knowledge and information in the area of power reactors with particular application to the production of electric power and process heat. The division sponsors meetings on the coverage of applied nuclear science and engineering as related to power plants, non-power reactors, and other nuclear facilities. It encourages and assists with the dissemination of knowledge pertinent to the safe and efficient operation of nuclear facilities through professional staff development, information exchange, and supporting the generation of viable solutions to current issues.
Meeting Spotlight
ANS Student Conference 2025
April 3–5, 2025
Albuquerque, NM|The University of New Mexico
Standards Program
The Standards Committee is responsible for the development and maintenance of voluntary consensus standards that address the design, analysis, and operation of components, systems, and facilities related to the application of nuclear science and technology. Find out What’s New, check out the Standards Store, or Get Involved today!
Latest Magazine Issues
Feb 2025
Jul 2024
Latest Journal Issues
Nuclear Science and Engineering
March 2025
Nuclear Technology
February 2025
Fusion Science and Technology
Latest News
Legislators look to advance nuclear power in the Lone Star State
Texas lawmakers are considering legislative action this session on recommendations made last November by the Texas Advanced Nuclear Reactor Working Group.
Senate Bill 1105 calls for the establishment of a state-run advanced nuclear energy authority, a state permitting office, and an advanced nuclear innovation fund. Republican state Sen. Tan Parker introduced the bill.
Nuclear footprint: Texas currently has two large nuclear plants—Commanche Peak and South Texas Project—comprising four reactors that supplied nearly 10 percent of the state’s power last year.
Small modular reactors are also planned in Texas. Dow Chemical and X-energy are targeting a cluster of SMRs to support Dow’s manufacturing site in Seadrift on the Gulf Coast. At Abeline Christian University, about 200 miles west of Dallas, Natura Resources plans to install a test reactor using molten-salt cooling.
View a printable pdf here or click on one of the section titles below.
Scientific or technical leadership in a nuclear enterprise of substantial scope.
In recognition of his visionary leadership and direct contributions to the development of methods for improving nuclear plant performance, and for analyzing utility generating system operating strategy.
In recognition of his significant contributions to nuclear non-proliferation research and policy including nuclear data adjustment using subcritical neutron multiplicity counting, wide area radiation source localization using Bayesian inference, technical leadership of the Consortium of Nonproliferation Enabling Capabilities, and in ANS’s efforts to promote advanced reactor safeguards.
In recognition of his impactful research and technical leadership in reactor thermal hydraulics, multiphase flow and heat transfer, flow instability, rod bundle critical heat flux, advanced fuel design and qualification, large-scale rod bundle experiments, and subchannel analysis, enhancing modeling capabilities and supporting reactor development.
Notable original research or invention in the nuclear field.
In recognition of his important and innovative contributions to nuclear reactor analysis, including the development of advanced deterministic transport and Monte Carlo methods that have significantly contributed to high fidelity, multiphysics simulations of nuclear reactors.
Outstanding achievement in design, engineering, or operations in the nuclear power field or other applications of nuclear technology.
In recognition of his outstanding leadership in operations and engineering of commercial nuclear plants, to successfully establish an operational culture and integration into an operational fleet for the first new plants in the US in 30 years at Vogtle 3&4.
In recognition of her driving growth in people and processes by combining leadership, technical excellence, and strategic focus with a strong and collaborative work ethic. She is an acknowledged expert and a passionate ambassador within the international nuclear criticality safety community and the American Nuclear Society.
In recognition of being a world-renowned nuclear scientist and engineer whose passion and leadership have enabled advances in nuclear innovation, infrastructure, and talent. She drives thought diversity across everything that she does and has enabled greater commercial-sector and government engagement nationally and internationally.
In recognition of leveraged experience gained in leadership in operations and engineering of commercial nuclear plants, to develop innovative solutions and approaches to regulatory and economic challenges, as well as advising a broad spectrum of new nuclear suppliers in assessing safety, economics and market potential of their designs.
In recognition of his exceptional contributions to nuclear reactor thermal-hydraulics and in particular best estimate plus uncertainty methods, and his impact as an educator on a generation of nuclear engineers.
Outstanding leadership as a teacher in the nuclear field.
In recognition of his distinguished contributions by the development of modeling and simulation methodologies for the analysis, optimization, and isotopic management of nuclear fuel in LWRs and next generation concepts. He has taught over 1,500 students and mentored 70 graduate degrees leading to over 220 peer-reviewed publications with his students.
In recognition of his original research and technical leadership in the development of loss-of coolant accident safety analysis methodologies for PWRs and the design and demonstration of advanced reactors (AP1000, SMR, microreactor and lead cooled fast reactor) with experiments and analyses.
Outstanding efforts in the areas of nuclear health, safety, safeguards, or regulation.
In recognition of his international executive leadership, nuclear safety insights, and regulatory impact associated with safe operation of nuclear power facilities throughout the world.
For his outstanding leadership, technical expertise and dedicated commitment to the design, construction, and operation of nuclear power plants with utmost priority and respect to nuclear and industrial safety.
For outstanding contributions to the advancement of nuclear technology, specifically for the groundbreaking development of fluoride-cooled pebble-bed reactors and pioneering work in various other advanced reactor technologies.
For groundbreaking research and development of accident and radiation tolerant materials for nuclear power generation and his leadership and mentorship in improving the culture within the field of nuclear engineering.
For enduring and exceptional contributions to our understanding of irradiation-induced microstructural evolution.
For notable contributions that have significantly advanced regulatory aspects of the nuclear fuel cycle and admirable leadership in nuclear deactivation and decommissioning efforts. His outstanding achievements advance peaceful applications of nuclear technology, address global nonproliferation, and promote environmental sustainability, aligning with the ‘Atoms for Peace’ vision.
For his steadfast dedication to excellence in nuclear plant operation. He proved that focusing on operational excellence leads to high levels of safety and performance while maintaining economical production. His pursuit of excellence included an unwavering support of diversity, equity and inclusion that led to superior human performance, community representation, and opportunities for all. Accepting on his behalf: Bryan Hanson, EVP & Chief Generation Officer, Constellation.
For Steve Kuczynski, Glen Earl Chick and the entire leadership team involved with Vogtle 3 and 4 nuclear plant construction. The dedication of the team involved in the construction of the first new nuclear units to be built and placed into commercial operation in the United States in over 30 years. The significant challenges overcome by the team are a testament to the dedication of the entire organization involved with the Vogtle project. Completion of this project has helped establish a lasting legacy for the future of nuclear power in the United States and elsewhere.
For outstanding service to many areas of ANS and in particular as the Chair of the Young Members Group. His passion as YMG Chair will continue to spur young member engagement for years to come.
For outstanding service as Chair of the Diversity and Inclusion in ANS Committee and her steadfast dedication to making ANS a welcoming environment for everyone.
For her outstanding service in advocating for nuclear power as a clean reliable source of energy. During her term as Miss America 2023, she traveled to countless locations including clean energy events and schools, where her legacy will continue to inspire the next generation.
For his longstanding dedication to the American Nuclear Society and his numerous leadership roles over the decades including Chair of the Standards Board.
For support of the American Nuclear Society, leading several key initiatives while serving as the Immediate Past President including the Certification Program. He has selflessly devoted himself to the mission of the ANS and supporting the nuclear profession.
As Kenneth S. Petersen concludes his term, we extend heartfelt appreciation for his service to ANS. Ken’s steady and consistent engagement has yielded tangible progress for the Society, including strengthened relationships with major U.S. nuclear utilities, a new mission and vision statement, new headquarters in Chicago and Washington, D.C., and a growing ANS Trustees of Nuclear program. His style of selfless and engaged leadership serves as a model for all of us. For this and other contributions to ANS and the nuclear community it represents, we thank Ken Petersen for his invaluable contributions. Presented By Lisa Marshall, ANS Vice President, 2023 – 2024.
In recognition of his dedicated service and leadership in ANS at both the national and local section levels.
In recognition of her dedicated education of students, mentoring young professionals and involvement in ANS at both the national and local section levels.
For outstanding contributions to the advancement of nuclear energy as a public servant, for enduring engagement with the public, industry, national laboratories, universities, and the U.S. and other governments, to inform on its benefits to the country and the world.
Division Awards
For his seminal contributions to the study and education of nuclear materials and for his tireless dedication to nuclear engineering education at Penn State.
In recognition of her outstanding accomplishments that significantly advanced the scientific, engineering, societal, and regulatory aspects of the transuranic waste management mission.
In recognition of his decades of dedicated service to the Fuel Cycle and Waste Management Division and to ANS.
In recognition of his lifetime of pioneering contributions to nuclear fuel reliability, safety, and efficiency, and his role in the development of accident-tolerant fuels.
In recognition of his outstanding achievements and impact in the areas of I&C assessment and regulation.
In recognition of his extensive contributions to the advancement of digital instrumentation and controls both domestically and internationally in the nuclear industry.
For his outstanding contributions to the nuclear I&C profession, in the areas of online monitoring (OLM), condition monitoring, and prognostics.
For his contributions to critical digital system upgrades and new designs for operating and advanced reactors in design, licensing and operations for high safety-significant systems.
For his pivotal role in developing and integrating humanmachine interface technologies, particularly digital twins, artificial intelligence, decision science, and prognostics and health management to enhance safety and efficiency of nuclear power plants.
In recognition of his long-standing contributions, lifelong leadership, sustained and exemplary service to the nuclear thermal-hydraulics community.
For his significant and original research to develop and implement a 3D-transport code, including advanced multiphysics acceleration methods, for practical full-core, pinresolved LWR applications.
For state-of-the-art advances in the development and application of sensitivity-uncertainty methods for nuclear reactor physics analysis and nuclear criticality safety.
Last modified June 10, 2024, 1:38pm PDT