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ANS Student Conference 2025
April 3–5, 2025
Albuquerque, NM|The University of New Mexico
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Garrish up for repeat term as DOE’s nuclear energy secretary
Theodore “Ted” Garrish—who has spent more than four decades working in nuclear—is President Donald Trump’s nominee to serve as the Department of Energy’s assistant secretary for nuclear energy, or, NE-1.
The nomination was referred to the U.S. Senate’s Committee on Energy and Natural Resources on February 3. Garrish previously held the office from 1987 to 1989 under President Ronald Reagan. Most recently, Kathryn Huff held the NE-1 post, and Michael Goff has served as interim assistant secretary since Huff stepped down in May 2024.
Garrish’s most recent term in public office was as assistant secretary for the Office of International Affairs at the Energy Department, from 2018 to 2021, during Trump’s first term. Supporters say Garrish’s 40-plus years working in the nuclear industry and in nuclear energy oversight positions makes him more than qualified to serve in the DOE office again.
The Need for a Maximum Intensity Accident in ANS 8-Series Standards
Timothy Jackson, James Yugo, Jeff Goodman (Y-12 National Security Complex)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages A-C
A Multi-Criteria Benefit Evaluation Methodology Applied to FLEX Strategies in Nuclear Power Plants
Sai Zhang, Zhegang Ma, Hongbin Zhang
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages H-K
Table of Contents
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages v-xxix
Recent Advances in Science and Engineering of Molten Salt Reactors
Jean C. Ragusa
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages L-L
Common-Cause Component Group Modeling Issues in Probabilistic Risk Assessment
Zhegang Ma, Robert Buell, James Knudsen, Sai Zhang
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages D-G
Full Issue
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Page 0
Opening Plenary
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 3-3
President's Special Session
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 4-4
General Chair's Special Session
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 5-5
Surveillance Using Cube Satellite Platforms for Nuclear Security: Phenomena, Signatures, and Feasible Architectures
Mario Mendoza, Pavel V. Tsvetkov (Texas A&M Univ.)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 11-14
Magnetically Shielded RCIEC-Helicon Hybrid Space Propulsion System
G.H. Miley, Rohan Puri, Raad Najam, Qiheng Cai, Raul Patino, Erik Ziehm (Univ. of Illinois Urbana-Champaign)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 15-17
Concept Designs and Considerations for Advanced Nuclear Thermal Propulsion
M. Patterson, M. Johns (Southern Research), J. Allen (Dynetics Inc.,), M. Houts (NASA Marshall Space Flight Center), F. Heidet (Argonne National Laboratory), N. Smith (Idaho National Laboratory)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 18-21
Antimatter-Based Propulsion for Exoplanet Exploration
Gerald P. Jackson (Hbar Technologies)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 22-25
Initial Neutronics Modeling of a Centrifugal Nuclear Thermal Rocket Engine using MCNP Code
Rittu S. Raju (NASA Marshall Space Flight Center, Univ. of Michigan), Michael G. Houts (NASA MSFC), Ethan Fisher (NASA MSFC, Mississippi State Univ.), Jonathan T. Gates (Argonne National Laboratory, Texas A&M Univ.), Darrin Leer (NASA MSFC, Univ. of North Carolina-Charlotte), C. Miller McSwain (NASA MSFC, Univ. of Tennessee)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 29-32
Preliminary Parametric Studies of a High Performance Centrifugal Nuclear Thermal Rocket System
Jonathan T. Gates (Argonne National Laboratory, Texas A&M Univ.), Florent Heidet, Michael Jarrett (Argonne National Laboratory), Michael G. Houts (NASA Marshall Space Flight Center), Rittu S. Raju (NASA MSFC, Univ. of Michigan), Ethan Fisher (NASA MSFC, Mississippi State Univ.), Darrin Leer (NASA MSFC, Univ. of North Carolina- Charlotte), C. Miller McSwain (NASA MSFC, Univ. of Tennessee)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 33-36
CNTR: Explanation of Propellant Flow and Description of Initial Experiments
Ethan Fisher (NASA Marshall Space Flight Center, Mississippe State Univ.), C. Miller McSwain (NASA MSFC, Univ. of Tennessee), Thomas J. Godfroy, Michael G. Houts (NASA MSFC), Florent Heidet (Argonne National Laboratory), Rittu S. Raju (NASA MSFC, Univ. of Michigan), Darrin Leer (NASA MSFC, Univ. of North Carolina-Charlotte), Jonathan T. Gates (Argonne National Laboratory, Texas A&M Univ.)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 37-41
Overview of High-Performance Centrifugal Nuclear Thermal Rocket Propulsion System
Jimmy Allen (Dynetics), Michael Johns, Mark Patterson (Southern Research), Michael Houts (NASA Marshall Space Flight Center), Florent Heidet (Argonne National Laboratory), Nicholas V. Smith (Idaho National Laboratory), John E. Foster (Univ. of Michigan)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 42-44
ANS Position Statement on the Use of Low Enriched Uranium in Space
Jeffrey C. King
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 45-45
Efficiency Calibration and Optimization of LaBr3(Ce) Probe with MCNP6
David Bednar (Slovak Univ. of Technology in Bratislava), Martin Listjak (VUJE), Vladimir Necas (Slovak Univ. of Technology in Bratislava)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 51-53
Characterization of CVD Diamond Detector for Neutron Sensor in Harsh Radiation Environments
Masayuki Hagiwara (High Energy Accelerator Organization), Xiuqing Xu (The Graduate Univ. for Advanced Studies, SOKENDAI), Mohammad Nakhostin (Imperial College Univ. of London)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 54-56
Conceptual Design of Real-time Radiation Exposure Monitoring System for Workers during NPP Decommissioning
Dohyung Kim (Sans Frontier Technology), Byungil Lee (Integrity Diagnostics Korea)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 57-58
Why is Nuclear Safety Culture Needed During Decommissioning?
Lynne S. Goodman, Philip Chase (Marathon Consulting Group)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 59-60
Community Advisory Panels
Gerard P. van Noordennen
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 61-61
Grid Modelling Considerations for Nuclear Energy
Leah Spradley Parks and Jordan Cox
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 62-62
Innovative Characterization Techniques in Support of Decommissioning
Jay Peters
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 63-63
Building Up Decommissioning Staff Credentials for Future Decommissioning Projects
Lawrence E. Boing
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 64-64
Economics of Low-Carbon Energy and Role of Nuclear Power?Panel
Jan B. Van Erp
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 65-65
Design and Experimental Verification of a Gamma Radiogauge to Detect Water Level in Ballast Tanks in Oil Platforms
Eslam A. Ahmed, Jwaher A. Alnaqbi, Priyonta Rahman, Walid A. Metwally (Univ. of Sharjah)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 71-73
Plasma Sustainment and Tin Particle Mitigation in Extreme Ultraviolet Lithography
Alp Aktuna, Kaitlyn Butler, Andrew Fink, Dario Panici (Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 74-77
Design of an Economical Low-Power Fast Spectrum Molten Chloride Reactor
Charles Goodman, Lindsay Verrico, Thomas Thompson, Vincent Novellino, Scott P. Palmtag (North Carolina State Univ.)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 78-81
Design of a Novel Decision-Making Tool for the Analysis of Protective Actions During a Radiological Release
David Champlin, Mark D'Aloia, Emily Downing, Elizabeth Jaye (Purdue Univ.)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 82-85
Nuclear Thermal Propulsion (NTP) Reactor Design System
Alec Cacheris, Aidan Edens, Will Conroy, Brandon Connor (Univ. of Tennessee at Knoxville), Thomas Harrison (Oak Ridge National Laboratory)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 86-89
INL Nuclear Communication Certification
Hannah K. Patenaude, Brett W. Carlsen (Idaho National Laboratory), Emma Frances Bloomfield (University of Nevada, Las Vegas)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 93-94
Gen IV Education and Training Working Group Webinars' Initiative
Patricia Paviet (Pacific Northwest National Laboratory)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 95-98
Revitalization of Sodium-Cooled Fast Reactor Competence through the Development of a U.S.-Based Sodium Technology School
Daniel LaBrier, Chad Pope (Idaho State Univ.), Wade Marcum (Oregon State Univ.)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 99-104
Focus on Communications—Panel
Mimi Holland Limbach
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 103-103
Explore the Versatility of the VTR
Laura Hermann
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 104-104
Oxide Growth and Dissolution Measurement of 316L Stainless Steel Exposed to Simulated PWR Primary Water and Ion Irradiation
Rigel D. Hanbury, Gary S. Was (Univ. of Michigan)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 107-109
Use of 15N NMR Spectroscopy to Probe Covalency in a Thorium Nitride
Selena L. Staun (Univ. of California, Santa Barbara), Dumitru-Claudiu Sergentu (Univ. of Buffalo, State Univ. of New York), Guang Wu (Univ. of California, Santa Barbara), Jochen Autschbach (Univ. of Buffalo, State Univ. of New York), Trevor W. Hayton (Univ. of California, Santa Barbara)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 110-112
Development of High Energy Resolution Cs4BI6:Eu (B = Ca and/or Sr) Scintillators
Daniel Rutstrom, Luis Stand, Merry Koschan, Charles L. Melcher, Mariya Zhuravleva (Univ. of Tennessee, Knoxville)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 113-115
Electrophoretic Separation Properties of Lanthanum and Gadolinium for Reprocessing Applications
Sydney Holdampf, Mark R. Deinert (Colorado School of Mines)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 116-119
Expanded Nuclear Activities in Space Require Expanded Non-Proliferation Policies
Paul W. Stockett, Robert Bean (Purdue University)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 120-123
Corrosion of Structural Materials in Fluoride Molten Salt with EuF3 and Simulant Fission Products
Samuel W. McAlpine, Michael P. Short (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 124-127
Benzotriazolium Metallate for 99Tc Immobilization and Remediation
James Louis-Jean, Harry Jang, Keith V. Lawler, Andrew J. Swift, Paul M. Forster, Jeffrey Ash, Frederic Poineau (Univ. of Nevada Las Vegas)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 128-129
Experimental Comparison of Core Power during PCC Accidents in a High Temperature Gas Reactor
T. M. Moore, B. G. Woods (Oregon State Univ.)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 133-135
Thermal Scattering Covariance Data Processing and Compression
Aaron G. Tumulak (Univ. of Michigan), Dorothea Wiarda, Andrew Holcomb (Oak Ridge National Laboratory), Brian C. Kiedrowski (Univ. of Michigan)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 136-139
A Cold Moderator For Sub-Thermal Neutron Flux Enhancement at the RPI-LINAC
D. Fritz, Y. Danon (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 140-143
Modeling and Optimizing Molten Salt Thermal Storage for Nuclear Power
Jaron Wallace, Daniel Hill, Matthew Memmott, John Hedengren (Brigham Young Univ.)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 144-145
A method for determining full core temperature and power conditions for nuclear heat-pipe systems
Cole Mueller, Pavel Tsvetkov (Texas A&M University)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 146-149
Time-Release Cs Diffusion Measurements in Oxidized and Unoxidized IG-110 Graphite
Taylor M. Weilert, Kyle L. Walton, John D. Brockman, Sudarshan K. Loyalka (Univ. of Missouri)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 153-155
Diffusion of Fission Products in Nuclear Grade Graphite
Kevin R. Graydon, Kevin R. Coffey, Yongho Sohn (Univ. of Central Florida)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 156-156
Pool Boiling Critical Heat Flux of Accident Tolerant Fuel Cladding Materials
Kaya Mondry, Hwasung Yeom, Emilio Gutierrez (Univ. of Wisconsin-Madison), Hangjin Jo (POSTECH), Yimin Zhou (Univ. of Wisconsin-Madison), Kumar Sridharan, Michael Corradini (Univ. of Wisconsin-Madison)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 157-159
Nondestructive Material Thickness Evaluation by Lamb Waves
Wenfeng Xiao, Zhaoyun Ma, Lingyu Yu (Univ. of South Carolina)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 160-163
A Novel Miniature Creep Tester for Virgin and Neutron Irradiated Clad Alloys
Lucas Maciel de Andrade Lima, Samuel Marcom, Tasnim Hassan (North Carolina State Univ.)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 167-168
Gas Migration Phenomena Through Interfaces in Engineering Barrier Systems
Muhammad Ali-Falak, Marcelo Sanchez (Texas A&M Univ.), Enrique Romero-Morales (Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 169-170
Effect of Heating and Drying on Clay-Barrier Gas-Permeability
Bohan Zhou, Marcelo Sanchez (Texas A&M Univ.)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 171-172
Properties of a Helium Ion Beam Degrader for Implanting SSJ2 Tensile Specimens at the LBL 88-Inch Cyclotron
Sarah Stevenson (Univ. of California, Berkeley), Adi Ben-Artzy, Lee Bernstein, Peter Hosemann
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 173-175
Molten Salt Chemistry
Jinsuo Zhang
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 179-179
Commercial Spent Nuclear Fuel Safety Analyses: Traditional Design-Basis Bounding vs. As-Loaded Approaches—Panel
Kaushik Banerjee
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 180-180
Advances in Solvent Extraction Technologies for Advanced Fuel Cycles
Donald Wood
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 181-181
Characterizing the Properties of Spent Nuclear Fuel
John E. Barlow, Kayla Casuga, Jason Pauly, Sebastian Vazquez, Tucker Sawyer, Kevin T. Clarno (Univ. of Texas at Austin)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 185-188
TN-32 Model Validation using the HBU Project Spent Fuel Temperature Data
Megan Higley, Mustafa Hadj Nacer, Miles Greiner (Univ. of Nevada, Reno)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 189-192
Storage and Transportation Strategy for Fluoride-salt-cooled High-temperature Reactors Spent Fuel
Lorenzo Vergari, Massimiliano Fratoni (Univ. of California, Berkeley)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 193-196
Dynamic Adsorption of Organoiodides using Mordenites
Vivek Utgikar, Tejaswini Vaidya, John Stanford, Chaithanya Balumuru, Krishnan Raja (Univ. of Idaho), Piyush Sabharwall (Idaho National Laboratory)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 197-199
Hydrodynamics of Extraction Devices: Residence Time Distribution in Centrifugal Extractors for Organic Phase
Chaithanya Balumuru, Vivek Utgikar (Univ. of Idaho), Kevin Lyon (Idaho National Laboratory)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 200-201
Cost/Risk-Decisioneering on Used Nuclear Fuel: Application on US UNF-management futures
Luc Van Den Durpel (Nuclear-21)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 205-210
Data-based Optimization for Off-loading an SFP via a TAD Canister
Michael Smith (Univ. of North Carolina at Charlotte), Sven Bader (Orano Federal Services), Brad Crotts (Orano Federal Services), Yesim Sireli (Univ. of North Carolina at Charlotte)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 211-214
Tracking the Thermal History of Spent Fuel Canisters
Emilian Popov, Kaushik Banerjee (Oak Ridge National Laboratory)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 215-218
EPRI's Accelerated Corrosion Tests and Analysis of Pits and Blisters for BORAL Coupons
Hatice Akkurt (Electric Power Research Institute)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 219-222
Characterization of FeCrAl Cladding in the Entire Fuel Cycle.
Raul B. Rebak, Andrew K. Hoffman, Liang Yin, Aida Amroussia (GE Research), Dan R. Lutz (GE Power)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 223-223
Analytical Electrochemistry Applied to Pyroprocessing and Molten Salt Reactors
E.A. Stricker, N.C. Hoyt, J. Guo, M. A. Williamson (Argonne National Laboratory)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 227-228
Understanding the Effect of Operating Conditions on UO2 Reduction Efficiency in Molten LiCl-Li2O Salts
Krista L. Hawthorne, Nathan D. Smith, Madeline G Morrow, Mark A. Williamson (Argonne National Laboratory)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 229-230
Uranium Fuel Recycling for Radioisotope Production
Nathan Johnson, Christine Krizmanich, Kristin Shannon, Milan Stika, Robert Wahlen, Terry Grimm (Niowave, Inc.)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 231-232
LiDAR Inspection of GPS Denied Hazardous Environment Exhaust Tunnel
William Willie Wells, Jean R. Plummer (Savannah River National Laboratory), Jane M. Carter (Savannah River Nuclear Solutions)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 233-234
Estimated Diffusion Out of a TRISO Particle Under Ambient Conditions
Pavlo Ivanusa, Philip Jensen, Caitlin Condon, Amoret Bunn (Pacific Northwest National Laboratory)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 235-238
Military Vulnerabilities of Civilian Reactors: Some Cases for the Northeast Asian Nuclear Power Plants
Jungmin Kang (Independent Consultant)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 239-242
Temperature Sensor Response Time Testing in Transient Steam Environments of Small Modular Reactors
Edwin T. Riggsbee, Alexander H. Hashemian, Shawn N. Tyler, Brent D. Shumaker (Analysis and Measurement Corp.), Brian Arnholt (NuScale Power)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 247-250
Theoretical Model and Analysis of Wireless LVDT-Based Sensor in a Nuclear Reactor
Yuan Gao, Jerry Potts, Heng Ban (University of Pittsburgh), Austin Fleming, Kurt Davis, Pattrick Calderoni, Daniel Wachs (Idaho National Laboratory)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 251-254
Static Analysis of Eddy Current Flow Meter for Galinstan Flow Measurement
Greg Kinzler, Brady Cameron (Univ. of Pittsburgh), Osman Anderoglu (Univ. of New Mexico), Cetin Unal (Los Alamos National Laboratory), Heng Ban (Univ. of Pittsburgh)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 255-258
Sensitivity Analysis of Mutual Inductance Level Sensor in Lead Environment
Brady Cameron, Greg Kinzler (Univ. of Pittsburgh), Teddy Kent (Univ. of Pittsburgh, Argonne National Laboratory), Osman Anderoglu (Univ. of New Mexico), Cetin Unal (Los Alamos National Laboratory), Heng Ban (Univ. of Pittsburgh)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 259-261
Integrated Operations for Nuclear—ION
Kenneth D. Thomas , S. Jason Remer (Idaho National Laboratory)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 265-267
On the Formalization of Development and Assessment Process for Digital Twins
Linyu Lin (North Carolina State Univ.), Han Bao (Idaho National Laboratory), Nam Dinh (North Carolina State Univ.)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 268-271
Development and Assessment of Physics-guided Machine Learning for Prognosis System
Anil Gurgen, Linyu Lin, Nam Dinh (North Carolina State Univ.)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 272-275
Quantitative Reasoning and Risk Assessment with Dynamic Bayesian Network
Junyung Kim, Hyun Gook Kang (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 276-279
Equipping Machine Learning with Uncertainty Quantification to Update Probabilistic Risk Assessment of Nuclear Power Plants using NRC Licensee Event Reports
Jaemin Yang, Pegah Farshadmanesh, Tatsuya Sakurahara, Justin Pence, Seyed Reihani, Catherine Blake, Zahra Mohaghegh (Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 280-283
Reducing reactor trips by improvement of Digital Core Protection System
Thiago Nascimento, Jae Cheon Jung
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 287-290
Implementation of a Real-Time Automatic Test for Bistable and Coincidence Logics Based on FPGA
Soo Yun Hwang, Yoon Hee Lee, Hyun Jeong Kim, Ki Hoon Jung (KEPCO E&C)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 291-294
Electric Noise Shielding for Inductively-Coupled Sensor Coils in Molten Sodium
Raza Sheikh, Danielle Kline, Jerry Potts, Paul Cox (Univ. of Pittsburgh), Sacit Cetiner (Oak Ridge National Laboratory), Heng Ban (Univ. of Pittsburgh)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 295-298
Quantitative Testing of Distributed Antenna Systems in Nuclear Power Plants
Brent D. Shumaker, Morgan F. Berg, Phil E. Zarb, Chad J. Kiger (AMS Corp.)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 299-302
Preview of NPIC&HMIT 2021
Pradeep Ramuhalli
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 303-303
Advancement in Medical Isotopes Production and Applications?Panel
Lin-Wen Hu
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 307-308
Progress on U.S and International Low-Enriched Uranium Reactor Conversions
E. H. Wilson, J. G. Stevens (Argonne National Laboratory)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 311-314
Neutronic and Thermal-Hydraulic Design Studies for High Flux Isotope Reactor Conversion to Low-Enriched Uranium High Density Silicide Dispersion Fuel
J. W. Bae, B. R. Betzler, D. Chandler, G. Ilas, J. L. Meszaros (Oak Ridge National Laboratory)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 315-318
Comparison of LEU Fuel Designs for the NBSR and a Replacement Reactor Concept
Thomas Newton, Danyal Turkoglu (NIST Center for Neutron Research), David Diamond, Lap-Yan Cheng (Brookhaven National Laboratory)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 319-321
The Current Status of Converting the University of Missouri Research Reactor from Highly Enriched Uranium to Low-Enriched Uranium Fuel
L. Foyto, K. Kutikkad, N. Peters (Univ. of Missouri-Columbia Research Reactor), J. A. Stillman, D. S. Yoon, W. Cowherd, E. E. Feldman, E. H. Wilson (Argonne National Laboratory)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 322-325
Effects of LEU Fuel Fabrication Tolerances on Safety and Operation Limits for MIT Reactor
Dakota Allen, Akshay J. Dave, Kaichao Sun, Lin-Wen Hu (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), Son H. Pham, David Jaluvka, Erik H. Wilson (Argonne National Laboratory)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 326-329
Preliminary Assessment of Structural Behavior of MITR Low-Enriched Uranium Fuel Plates
H.S. Roh, W. Mohamed, C.F. Cetinbas, E. Wilson (Argonne National Laboratory)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 330-333
Computational Software Developed by RERTR for the Conversion of Research and Test Reactors to LEU Fuel
A. Olson, J. Licht, E. Wilson (Argonne National Laboratory)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 337-340
Assessment of Reactor Kinetics Capability in RELAP5/MOD3.3 and PARET/ANL V7.6 to Support the Conversion of the University of Missouri Research Reactor to Low-Enriched Uranium Fuel
D. S. Yoon, J. A. Stillman, E. E. Feldman, E. H. Wilson (Argonne National Laboratory), K. Kutikkad, L. Foyto (University of Missouri-Columbia Research Reactor)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 341-344
Formulas for Hot Channel Factors for Channels with Forced Flow
M. Kalimullah, J. R. Licht, E. E. Feldman (Argonne National Laboratory)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 345-349
Thermal Analysis of Decay Heat Removal from a University of Missouri Research Reactor Discharged Low-Enriched Uranium Fuel Element
D. S. Yoon, J. A. Stillman, E. E. Feldman, E. H. Wilson (Argonne National Laboratory), W. Cowherd, L. Foyto, K. Kutikkad, N. Peters (University of Missouri-Columbia Research Reactor)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 350-353
Research and Test Reactor Fuel Modeling and Simulation with DART
Bei Ye, Aaron Oaks (Argonne National Laboratory)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 354-356
Experiment and Design Integration for U.S. High Performance Research Reactor Low-Enriched Uranium Conversion
J. A. Stillman, D. Jaluvka, L. M. Jamison, E. H. Wilson (Argonne National Laboratory)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 359-362
Experiment Irradiation Strategies Required During LEU Transition Cycles at the University of Missouri Research Reactor
Wilson Cowherd, John Stillman (Argonne National Laboratory), Leslie Foyto, Kiratadas Kutikkad, Nickie Peters, John Gahl (University of Missouri Research Reactor), Erik Wilson (Argonne National Laboratory)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 363-366
Review of the Technical Basis for Properties and Fuel Performance Data Used in USHPRR HEU to LEU Conversion Analysis Compared to the Preliminary UMo Report
Laura Jamison, J. Stillman, W. Mohamed, D. Jaluvka, E. Wilson (Argonne National Laboratory)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 367-369
The ADDER Software for Reactor Depletion and Fuel Management Analysis
A. G. Nelson, J. A. Stillman, F. Heidet, E. H. Wilson (Argonne National Laboratory)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 370-373
Effects of Surface Roughness Specification on the Onset of Nucleate boiling
Akshay J. Dave, Lin-wen Hu (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), Son Hong Pham, David Jaluvka, Erik H. Wilson (Argonne National Laboratory)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 374-377
Fluid Structure Interaction Analysis for Involute Fuel Plates
Cezary Bojanowski, Aurelien Bergeron, Marta Sitek, Yiqi Yu, Jeremy Licht (Argonne National Laboratory)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 381-384
From CFD Simulation to Hot Channel Factor Estimation for the Conversion of Involute Plate Research Reactor
Y. Yu, A. Bergeron, J. R. Licht (Argonne National Laboratory)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 385-388
Microstructural Evolutions and Thermal Conductivity Degradation on Al-UMo Interface Irradiated by Swift Heavy Ions
Y. Miao, B. Ye (Argonne National Laboratory), J. Shi (Technical Univ. of Munich), K. Mo (Argonne National Laboratory), L.A. Nimmagadda, M.C. Rajagopal, S. Sinha (Univ. of Illinois), A. M. Yacout (Argonne National Laboratory)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 389-390
CFD Simulations of Siphon Breaking for Conditions Relevant to Research Reactors
Adam R. Kraus, Jeremy Licht (Argonne National Laboratory)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 391-394
Computational Modeling of the Cheverton and Kelley Experimental Analysis of HFIR Fuel Plate Deflections
Marta Sitek, Aurelien Bergeron, Cezary Bojanowski, Jeremy Licht, Yiqi Yu (Argonne National Laboratory)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 395-398
Reactor Analysis Code Benchmark to AFIP-7 Experiment
J. A. Stillman, L. M. Peguero, M. A. Smith, D. Jaluvka, W. M. Mohamed, E. H. Wilson (Argonne National Laboratory)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 401-404
Fuel Conversion Efforts at the High Flux Isotope Reactor — a 2020 Status Update
D. Chandler, J. L. Meszaros, B. R. Betzler, J. W. Bae, D. H. Cook, V. D. Fudurich, T. Howard, C. J. Hurt, G. Ilas, P. K. Jain, E. L. Popov (Oak Ridge National Laboratory)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 405-408
Development of a Cold Neutron Source and Cold Neutron Beam Facilities at the Penn State Breazeale Reactor
Kenan Ünlü , Daniel B. Beck (Pennsylvania State Univ. )
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 411-413
Development of a New Neutron Imaging Facility for Radiation Science and Engineering at the Penn State University
A. Kenges, K. Ünlü, J. Geuther, D. Beck (Pennsylvania State University)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 414-416
Beam Tube Brightness Evaluation of Low-Density U3Si2-Al Design for High Flux Isotope Reactor LEU Conversion
Kara Godsey, Charles Daily, David Chandler (Oak Ridge National Laboratory)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 417-420
A Proposed New Configuration of a Shuffle-dwell Gamma Irradiator
Hsingtzu Wu (Huazhong Univ. of Science and Technology)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 423-425
Cumulative Short-lived Photofission Product Yields for Nuclear Forensic Application
Ari Foley (Idaho National Laboratory), Haori Yang (Oregon State University)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 426-429
Beam Studies in Gadolinium Neutron Capture Therapy Using Neutron Generators
Walid A. Metwally, Yumna A. Alharahsheh (Univ. of Sharjah), Husam Al-Omari (Abu Dhabi Polytechnic), Entesar Z. Dalah (Dubai Health Authority)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 430-432
Design of a Fuel Phantom for a High-Resolution Emission Gamma Ray Tomography System Using a Pixelated CZT Detector
Jack Fletcher, Seth Kilby, Joseph Graham (Missouri University of Science & Technology)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 433-435
Advancements in the Semi-Automated CR-39 Imaging System for Energetic Charged Particle Detection
Erik Ziehm, George H. Miley (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 436-438
Estimating source-detector distance using coincidence events
Christopher Greulich (Oak Ridge National Laboratory), Dhaval Patel (Georgia Institute of Technology), Shirly Rodriguez (GE-Hitachi Nuclear Energy Americas), James Baciak (Univ. of Florida)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 441-444
Suitability of Analytic Treatment of Radiation Transport for High Resolution Gamma Ray Computed Tomography
Zhongmin Jin, Joseph Graham (Missouri University of Science & Technology)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 445-446
A Machine Learning Approach for Background Radiation Modeling and Anomaly Detection in Radiation Time Series pertained to Nuclear Security
Miltiadis Alamaniotis (Univ. of Texas at San Antonio), Alexander Heifetz (Argonne National Laboratory)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 447-450
Intelligent Data Smoothing of Gamma-Ray Spectra using Relevance Vector Machines with Application to Nuclear Security
Miltiadis Alamaniotis (Univ. of Texas at San Antonio)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 451-453
Design Progress of a Subcritical Reactor for Pilot Scale 99Mo Production
Robert Wahlen, Chad Denbrock, Terry Grimm (Niowave), Puran Deng, Won Sik Yang (Univ. of Michigan)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 454-455
Chemical Effects of Ionizing Radiation on Molten Salt Systems
Simon M. Pimblott, Ruchi Gakhar, Gregory P. Horne (Idaho National Laboratory), Kazuhiro Iwamatsu (Brookhaven National Laboratory), Alejandro Ramos, Jay A. LaVerne (Univ. of Notre Dame), James F. Wishart (Brookhaven National Laboratory)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 461-462
Needle Probe for Measuring Thermal Conductivity of Molten Salts
Peter Hartvigsen (Brigham Young University), McKay Wilkerson (Brigham Young University), Brian Merritt (Brigham Young University), Kurt Davis (Idaho National Laboratory), Troy Munro (Brigham Young University)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 463-465
Fuel-Cladding Mechanical Interactions in a Small Pin-Type FHR with SiC Cladding
Nicholas J. Fassino, Anna Erickson (Georgia Institute of Technology), Michael P. Short (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 466-469
Compatibility of 316H in Flowing Fluoride Salt at 550°-650°C
B. A. Pint, J. M. Kurley, D. Sulejmanovic, J. M. Keiser , S. S. Raiman (Oak Ridge National Laboratory)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 470-471
Building a Molten-Salt Forced-Circulation Loop for the MIT Reactor
Charles Forsberg, David M. Carpenter (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), Ayman I. Hawari (North Carolina State Univ.), Raluca O. Scarlat (Univ. of California at Berkeley), Kevin Robb (Oak Ridge National Laboratory)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 475-478
Overpower Testing of TCR Fuel in TREAT
N. Woolstenhulme, D. Chapman, J. Fishler, C. Hill (Idaho National Laboratory), K. Linton (Oak Ridge National Laboratory), M. Ramirez (Idaho National Laboratory), D. Schappel (Oak Ridge National Laboratory), T. Smuin , K. Terrani (Idaho National Laboratory), G. Vasudevamurthy (Oak Ridge National Laboratory), D. Wachs (Idaho National Laboratory)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 479-481
Enabling Future Microreactor Testing with the NIMBLE Platform in TREAT
John D. Bess, Nicolas E. Woolstenhulme, Begona Aranguren, Daniel B. Chapman, Kayla B. Clements , Aaron S. Epiney, Austin D. Fleming, Justin T. Johnson, Matthew R. Ramirez, Daniel M. Wachs, Kevan D. Weaver (Idaho National Laboratory)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 482-485
Thermal Design Analysis Supporting a Loss-of-Coolant-Accident Experiment at TREAT
R. Armstrong, C. Folsom, C. Jensen, N. Woolstenhulme (Idaho National Laboratory)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 486-489
A Novel In-situ Creep Capsule Design for the Versatile Test Reactor
D. Owen, M. A. Okuniewski (Purdue University)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 490-492
Oxidation of Yttrium Hydride Moderator for the Transformational Challenge Reactor
Ken Kane (ORNL), Padraig Stack (Univ. of Akron), Peter Mouche, Bruce Pint, Xunxiang Hu (Oak Ridge National Laboratory)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 495-496
Thermal Properties and Reversible Transformation in Yttrium Hydride
Artem A. Trofimov, Xunxiang Hu, Hsin Wang, Ying Yang, Kurt A. Terrani (Oak Ridge National Laboratory)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 497-499
Towards Atom Irradiation and Examination of Nuclear Materials
Junhua Jiang, Congjian Wang (Idaho National Laboratory)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 500-502
Thermomechanical Properties of Bulk Yttrium Hydride for High-Temperature Moderator Application
Xunxiang Hu (Oak Ridge National Laboratory), Mehdi Balooch (Univ. of California-Berkeley), Kurt A. Terrani (Oak Ridge National Laboratory)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 503-505
High Temperature Deformation Processes in Additively Manufactured 316L Stainless Steel
Meimei Li, Xuan Zhang, Wei-Ying Chen, Florent Heidet (Argonne National Laboratory), T.S. Byun, K. A. Terrani (Oak Ridge National Laboratory)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 509-510
Deformation and Fracture Characteristics of Additively Manufactured and Wrought 316L Stainless Steels before and after Irradiation
T. S. Byun, M. N. Gussev, B. E. Garrison, J. J. Simpson, T. G. Lach, K. A. Terrani (Oak Ridge National Laboratory)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 511-513
Initial Irradiation Tests on the TCR Fuel Form at MIT Nuclear Reactor Laboratory
Gokul Vasudevamurthy (Oak Ridge National Laboratory), Michael Ames, David Carpenter, Lin-Wen Hu (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), Andrew Nelson, Kurt Terrani (Oak Ridge National Laboratory)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 514-516
Chemistry Effects on ?' Precipitation in FeCrAl Alloys
Andrew K. Hoffman, Raul B. Rebak, Soumya Nag (GE Research), Dan R. Lutz, Russ M. Fawcett (GE Power)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 517-517
Quantifying Fuel Bonding Through Activation Analysis
John E. Barlow, Kevin T. Clarno (Univ. of Texas at Austin)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 521-523
Environmentally Assisted Cracking and Irradiation Embrittlement of Decommissioned Baffle Plates
Y. Chen, B. Alexandreanu (Argonne National Laboratory), A. S. Srinivasa Rao (US Nuclear Regulatory Commission)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 524-525
Finite Element Simulations of Thermal Conductivity of SiC/SiC Composite
Lin Zhang, Xianping Zhong, Heng Ban (Univ. of Pittsburgh)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 526-528
Post-Irradiation Examination Supporting the Transformational Challenge Reactor
A. G. Le Coq, K. D. Linton, T. S. Byun, X. Hu, J. Werden, K. A. Terrani (Oak Ridge National Laboratory)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 531-534
Microstructural Characterization of U-Mo Dispersion Fuel Using Automated Image Processing
Zhi-Gang Mei, Bei Ye, L. Jamison, Gerard Hofman, Abdellatif M. Yacout (Argonne National Laboratory), Adam Robinson, Dennis Keiser (Idaho National Laboratory)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 535-538
Post-Irradiation Examination of 3D-Printed SiC
Timothy G. Lach, Hsin Wang, Takaaki Koyanagi, Chad M. Parish, Yanwen Zhang, Thak Sang Byun, Kurt A. Terrani (Oak Ridge National Laboratory)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 539-542
Molten Salt Thermal Conductivity Sensor
Peter Kasper, Connor Last, Aaron Thorum, Erik Barbosa, Jay Bettinger, Jace Davis, Kirsten Steele, Troy Munro (Brigham Young Univ.)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 545-548
Data Analytic Methodology for an Optical Fiber Based Gamma Thermometer Array
Anthony Birri (Ohio State Univ.), Tyler Gates (Texas A&M Univ.), Joshua Jones (Ohio State Univ.), Pavel Tsvetkov (Texas A&M Univ.), Thomas E. Blue (Ohio State Univ.)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 549-552
Initial Embedding of Functional Sensors in Additively Manufactured Silicon Carbide
Adrian M. Schrell, Dylan Richardson, Brian C. Jolly, Kurt A. Terrani, Christian M. Petrie (Oak Ridge National Laboratory)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 553-555
Non-destructive Characterization of Nuclear Materials Through X-ray Diffraction — Computed Tomography
Mehmet Topsakal, Simerjeet K. Gill, Lynne E. Ecker (Brookhaven National Laboratory)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 559-560
Atomic Origins of Stored Energy Release in Neutron-Irradiated Silicon Carbide
L. L. Snead (Stony Brook Univ., Massachusetts Institute of Technology), D. J. Sprouster (Stony Brook Univ.), T. Koyanagi, Y. Katoh (Oak Ridge National Laboratory)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 561-564
Synchrotron Characterization of Transmutation Products in Neutron Irradiated Tungsten
D. J. Sprouster, J. R. Trelewicz (Stony Brook Univ.), X. Hu, D. Morrall, C. M. Parish (Oak Ridge National Laboratory), B. D. Wirth (Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Univ. of Tennessee Knoxville), Y. Katoh (Oak Ridge National Laboratory), L. L. Snead (Stony Brook Univ.)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 565-567
X-Ray Characterization of Atomistic Defects Causing Irradiation Creep of SiC
Takaaki Koyanagi (Oak Ridge National Laboratory), David J. Sprouster (State Univ. of New York, Stony Brook), Lance L. Snead (State Univ. of New York, Stony Brook) Yutai Katoh (Oak Ridge National Laboratory),
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 568-571
Post-Irradiation Examination System Development for Irradiated Optical Components of In-Situ Spectroscopic Sensors
Bryan Morgan, Patrick Skrodzki, Milos Burger (Univ. of Michigan), Piyush Sabharwall (Idaho National Laboratory), Paul Marotta (Micro Nuclear), Igor Jovanovic (Univ. of Michigan)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 575-578
Comparative Oxidation Studies of Glassy Carbon and Nuclear Graphite in Air
Junhua Jiang, John Stempien (Idaho National Laboratory), Yaqiao Wu (Boise State Univ., Center for Advanced Energy Studies)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 579-581
Impact of Ionizing Irradiation on Surface Wettability: Fundamentals and Application in Engineering Superhydrophobic Surfaces
Koroush Shirvan, Arunkumar Seshadri, Bren Philips (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), Eric Forrest (Sandia National Laboratories)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 582-585
Preparation of U-10Zr Alloys for Irradiation Testing in the Advanced Test Reactor to Enable MARMOT Assessment and Validation
Sean M. McDeavitt, Moiz Butt (Texas A&M Univ.), Laura Sudderth, J. Keith Jewell (Idaho National Laboratory), Karim Ahmed (Texas A&M Univ.), Mitchell K. Meyer (Idaho National Laboratory), Doug Porter (Idaho National Laboratory)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 586-588
In situ defect accumulation and radiation hardening in Commercially Pure Titanium and Ti-6Al-4V(wt.%)
A. Amroussia (General Electric Global Research), C. J. Boehlert (Michigan State Univ.), F. Pellemoine (Fermilab), D. Grummon (Michigan State Univ.), W. Mittig (Facility for Rare Isotope Beams, National Superconducting Cyclotron Laboratory), T.R. Bieler (Michigan State Univ.), M. Li , W. Chen (Intermediate Voltage Electron Microscopy—Tandem Facility, Argonne National Laboratory)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 591-592
TEM Study of Nickel under In-situ Helium/Krypton Dual-Beam Irradiation
Wei-Ying Chen, Meimei Li (Argonne National Laboratory)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 593-594
Ion irradiation effects in face-centered cubic complex concentrated solid solution alloys at high temperature
Calvin Parkin, Michael Moorehead, Mohamed Elbakhshwan (Univ. of Wisconsin-Madison), Lingfeng He, Mukesh Bachhav (Idaho National Laboratory), Kumar Sridharan, Adrien Couet (Univ. of Wisconsin-Madison)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 595-598
TEM and APT Characterization of Neutron Irradiated AXIOM-2(X2)
Zefeng Yu (Univ. of Wisconsin-Madison), Mukesh Bachhav, Lingfeng He (Idaho National Laboratory), Adrien Couet (Univ. of Wisconsin-Madison)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 599-602
Development of Materials for Accident Tolerant Fuels at GE
Raul B. Rebak, Andrew K. Hoffman (GE Research), Dan R. Lutz (GE Power), Russ M. Fawcett (GE Power)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 605-605
Evaluation of Constitutive Relationship for Silicon Carbide Cladding Material
Hemanth T. Nagaraju, James R. Nance, Bhavani Sankar, Ghatu Subhash, Raphael Haftka (Univ. of Florida)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 606-607
Relationship between microstructural heterogeneity and variability in strength of SiCf/SiC
James Nance, Hemanth T. Nagaraju, Ghatu Subhash, Bhavani Sankar, Raphael Haftka (Univ. of Florida)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 608-609
Development of an Innovative Sample Preparation Technique for Select Layers and Layer Interfaces of TRISO Particles
Tanner Mauseth, Mary Lou Dunzik-Gougar, Daniel LaBrier, Scott McBeath (Idaho State Univ.), Isabella van Rooyen (Idaho National Laboratory)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 610-613
Compositional Impact and Microstructure Analysis of Niobium Additions to U3Si2
Geronimo Robles (Univ. of Texas at San Antonio, Los Alamos National Laboratory), Joshua T. White (Los Alamos National Laboratory), Elizabeth S. Sooby (Univ. of Texas at San Antonio)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 614-617
Assessment of Fuel Relocation of Halden 650.5 LOCA Experiment based on Microstructure Observation and FRAPTRAN Prediction
Joosuk Lee (Korea Institute of Nuclear Safety)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 621-623
Fabrication and Microstructural Analysis of U6Fe
Thomas Kirtley, Elizabeth S. Sooby (Univ. of Texas at San Antonio)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 624-626
A Stochastic Clad Damage Propagation Model for Lead Fast Reactors
A. Karahan (Argonne National Laboratory), M. Epstein, S. J. Lee (Fauske & Associates), T. Sofu (Argonne National Laboratory), P. Ferroni, J. Liao (Westinghouse Electric Company), A. Tentner, A. Moisseytsev (Argonne National Laboratory)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 627-630
Validation of Extended Oxide Fuel Performance Models of SAS4A
A. Karahan (Argonne National Laboratory)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 631-634
Simulation of Experimental Study on Nuclear Fuel Cracking
Casey Steinman, Mary Lou Dunzik-Gougar (Idaho State Univ.)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 635-637
Qualification of an LEU Fuel for the Advanced Test Reactor
Kyle Metzroth, Maria Pascale, Douglas Hardtmayer (MPR Associates) Jere Jenkins, Eric Woolstenhulme (Idaho National Laboratory),
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 641-644
Materials Compatibility with Flowing Molten Lead at 500°C
O. Anderoglu, C. Cakez, S. Ghosh, K. Talaat, M. Radhakrishnan (Univ. of New Mexico), K. A. Woloshun, C. Unal, S. A. Maloy (Los Alamos National Laboratory), M. Ickes, P. Ferroni (Westinghouse Electric Co.)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 645-647
BISON Metallic Fuels Benchmark Simulations Based on the X430 Experiment
Ian Greenquist, Jeffrey J. Powers (Oak Ridge National Laboratory)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 648-650
Modeling of Self-Powered Neutron Detectors (SPND) for the Versatile Test Reactor (VTR)
Nathan Conner, George Imel (Idaho State Univ.), Jason Harris (Purdue Univ.)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 651-654
Opportunities in Additive Manufacturing for Nuclear Energy Systems
Kurt A. Terrani
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 655-656
Current Issues in Computational Methods - Roundtable?Panel
Nicholas A. Gentile
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 659-659
Contemporary Reduced-Order Modeling Applications in Nuclear Science and Engineering—Panel
Anthony L. Alberti
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 660-660
Recent Memory Versions of Conditional Point Sampling for Transport in 1D Stochastic Media
Emily H. Vu (Univ. of Michigan), Aaron J. Olson (Sandia National Laboratories)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 663-666
Arbitrary-Order Finite Element Discretization of the Radiation Diffusion Equation on Polygonal Grids
Michael W. Hackemack (Naval Nuclear Laboratory )
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 667-670
Legendre Polynomial Expansion for Axial Transport Approximations
Nicholas F. Herring (Univ. of Michigan), Benjamin S. Collins (Oak Ridge National Laboratory), Thomas J. Downar (Univ. of Michigan)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 671-674
The Analytic Basis Function Method for Solving the Sn Transport Equation
Zhipeng Li, Tangpei Cheng, Shengcheng Zhou (CAEP Software Centre for High Performance Numerical Simulation)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 675-678
Application of lpCMFD for K-Eigenvalue Transport Problems with Feedback
Dean Wang (Ohio State Univ.)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 681-684
Solution of the Monoenergetic Neutron Transport Equation in a Half Space via Singular Eigenfunction Expansion
B. Ganapol (Univ. of Arizona), R. Martineau (Argonne National Laboratory)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 685-689
A New Deterministic Truncation of Monte Carlo Solution Using Decoupled Fine-Mesh Finite Difference Method
Inhyung Kim, Yonghee Kim (Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 690-693
An Introduction to a Generalized Functional Expansion Tally Library
Chase Juneau, Aaron Johnson, Katherine Wilsdon, Leslie Kerby (Idaho State Univ., Center for Advanced Energy Studies)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 694-697
Efficient implementation of 3D Multi-group Neutron Diffusion with Multi-Level CMFD acceleration
Shunjiang Tao, Yunlin Xu (Purdue Univ.)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 701-704
Particle Tracking Optimization for Boolean Solids in JCOGIN
Xin Wang (CAEP Software Center for High Performance Numerical Simulation, Institute of Applied Physics and Computational Mathematics), Wei Wang, Baoyin Zhang, Li Deng (Institute of Applied Physics and Computational Mathematics), Peng Liu (CAEP Software Center for High Performance Numerical Simulation, Institute of Applied Physics and Computational Mathematics)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 705-708
Monte Carlo Acceleration Techniques Applied in Well Logging Radiation Detection
Qiong Zhang (Univ. of Electronic Science and Technology)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 709-712
Multidual Sensitivity Method in Ray-Tracing Transport Simulations
Matthew R. Balcer (Univ. of Texas-San Antonio), Jeffrey A. Favorite (Los Alamos National Laboratory), Harry Millwater (Univ. of Texas-San Antonio)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 715-718
Analysis of Modeling Uncertainty Impacts on Nuclear Data Uncertainty Propagation in Core Simulation
Dongli Huang, Hany S. Abdel-Khalik (Purdue Univ.)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 719-722
Calculating the Impact of Nuclear Data Changes with Crater
Wim Haeck, Alexander R. Clark, Michal W. Herman (Los Alamos National Laboratory)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 723-726
Nuclear Data Multi-Group Covariance Generation using Resonance Parameter-based Monte Carlo Perturbation Calculation
Dong Hyuk Lee, Hyung Jin Shim (Seoul National Univ.)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 727-730
Applying Constrained Bayesian Optimization to the Design of Criticality Experiments
Daniel Siefman, Jesse Norris, Catherine Percher (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 733-736
Deep Surrogate Models for Multi-dimensional Regression of Reactor Power
Akshay J. Dave, Jarod Wilson, Kaichao Sun (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 737-740
Assembly Combinatorial Optimisation with Deep Reinforcement Learning
Majdi I. Radaideh, Benoit Forget, Koroush Shirvan (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 741-744
Analysis of Reactor Simulations with Deep Learning Surrogate Models
Majdi I. Radaideh (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), Tomasz Kozlowski (Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 745-748
Data Coverage Assessment on Machine-Learning based Digital Twin for Diagnosis in a Nearly Autonomous Management and Control System
Longcong Wang, Linyu Lin, Nam T. Dinh (North Carolina State Univ.)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 751-754
Uncertainty Quantification Study on EBR-II Benchmark Modeling Strategies using SAM
Travis Mui, Rui Hu (Argonne National Laboratory)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 755-758
External Temperature Effects on Thermal Features of Reactor Coolants System and Power Level Estimation
Nageswara S. V. Rao, Christopher Greulich, Will Ray, Riley Hunley (Oak Ridge National laboratory)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 759-762
ANS-8 Standards Forum
Douglas G. Bowen
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 765-765
Data Testing of Polyethylene Thermal Scattering Law with New Thermal Epithermal eXperiments (TEX) Plutonium Baseline Benchmark, PU-MET-MIXED-002
C. M. Percher, J. D. Norris, S. S. Kim, D. P. Heinrichs (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 773-775
Bayesian Monte Carlo Evaluation Framework for Cross Sections Nuclear Data and Integral Benchmark Experiments
Goran Arbanas, Jesse M. Brown, Andrew M. Holcomb, Dorothea Wiarda (Oak Ridge National Laboratory)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 776-779
S/U Comparison Study with a Focus on USLs
J. Alwin, F. Brown (Los Alamos National Laboratory), J. Clarity (Oak Ridge National Laboratory), I. Duhamel, F. Fernex, L. Leal (Institut de Radioprotection et de Surete Nucleaire), R. Little (Los Alamos National Laboratory), B. J. Marshall (Oak Ridge National Laboratory), M. Rising (Los Alamos National Laboratory), E. Saylor (Oak Ridge National Laboratory), K. Spencer (Los Alamos National Laboratory)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 780-783
Experiments at Sandia to Measure the Effect of Temperature on Critical Systems
Gary A. Harms, David E. Ames (Sandia National Laboratories)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 784-787
Metrics and Leading Indicators
Kristan M. Wessels
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 789-789
Nuclear Criticality Safety Operational Off-Normals, Incidents, and Infractions
Catherine M. Percher
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 790-790
Review of Recent CSSG Activities
David K. Hayes
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 791-791
A Review of TSUNAMI Applications
W. J. Marshall, J. B. Clarity (Oak Ridge National Laboratory), B. T. Rearden (Rearden Innovations)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 795-798
Development of SCALE Tools for Sensitivity and Uncertainty Analysis Methodology Implementation (TSUNAMI) from SCALE 5 through SCALE 6.2
B. T. Rearden (Rearden Innovations), W. J. Marshall, W. A. Wieselquist (Oak Ridge National Laboratory)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 799-803
Selected Uses of TSUNAMI in Critical Experiment Design and Analysis
Justin B. Clarity, William J. Marshall (Oak Ridge National Laboratory), Bradley T. Rearden (Readen Innovations), Isabelle Duhamel (Institut de Radioprotection et de Surete Nucleaire)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 804-807
Fundamentals of Uranium Chemistry and NCS Considerations (p)
Vladimir Sobes
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 809-809
Status of the KRUSTY Benchmark Modeling and Uncertainty Analysis
J. A. Favorite, J. D. Hutchinson, G. E. McKenzie, T. E. Cutler (Los Alamos National Laboratory), K. N. Smith (Texas A&M Univ.), R. G. Sanchez, T. J. Grove (Los Alamos National Laboratory)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 813-816
Fast-Spectrum Critical Assemblies with a Pb-HEU Core Surrounded by a Copper Reflector
Kelsey Amundson, Theresa Cutler, Joetta Goda, Jesson Hutchinson, Geordie McKenzie (Los Alamos National Laboratory)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 817-819
TEX-HEU: Integral Experiments with Highly Enriched Uranium and Polyethylene
Jesse D. Norris, Anthony J. Nelson, Catherine G. Percher, William J. Zywiec, Dave P. Heinrichs (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 820-823
Update on the Benchmark Analysis of the Jupiter Experiments: Plutonium Moderated by Lead
Alex McSpaden, Joetta Goda, Theresa Cutler, George McKenzie, Jesson Hutchinson (Los Alamos National Laboratory)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 824-827
Critical Unresolved Region Integral Experiment Execution
Theresa Cutler, Travis Grove, George McKenzie, Jesson Hutchinson, Joetta Goda, Rene Sanchez, David Hayes (Los Alamos National Laboratory)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 828-829
Sensitivity Studies, Gap Analysis, and Benchmark Experiment Optimization for Reactor Physics and Criticality Safety Applications
J.D. Hutchinson, J.L. Alwin, T.J. Grove, N.A. Kleedtke, I.J. Michaud, M.E. Rising, T.A. Smith, N.W. Thompson, R.C. Little (Los Alamos National Laboratory)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 833-836
Gaussian Process Optimization of Sensitivity-Based Similarity Metrics between New Nuclear Applications and New/Existing Benchmarks
Noah Kleedtke (Los Alamos National Laboratory, Univ. of Michigan), Isaac Michaud, Michael Rising, Travis Grove, Jesson Hutchinson (Los Alamos National Laboratory), Brian C. Kiedrowski (University of Michigan)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 837-840
Subcriticality Estimation using Unscented Kalman Filter for Reactivity- and Source-Transients
Tomohiro Endo, Akio Yamamoto (Nagoya Univ.), Masao Yamanaka, Cheol Ho Pyeon (Kyoto Univ)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 841-844
Effect of Nuclear Data Covariances on Integral Experiment Design with Sensitivity and Uncertainty Analysis
Daniel Siefman, Catherine Percher (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory), Alyssa Kersting (Washington River Protection Solutions), David Heinrichs (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 845-848
Validation and Independent Uncertainty Analysis of the MIX-SOL-THERM-003 ICSBEP Benchmark
Cole Kostelac, Nicholas Thompson, Rene Sanchez, Jesson Hutchinson, Kristina Diane Yancey Spencer, Wim Haeck, Jennifer Alwin (Los Alamos National Laboratory)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 851-854
Application of the Rossi-alpha method to simulations of HEU and organic scintillators
Robert Allen Weldon Jr., Theresa Elizabeth Cutler, Jesson D. Hutchinson, William L. Myers, Geordie Espy McKenzie IV, Alexander Thomas McSpaden, Rene Gerardo Sanchez (Los Alamos National Laboratory)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 855-857
Rossi-alpha Uncertainty Quantification by Analytic, Bootstrap, and Sample Methods to Inform Fitting Best Practices
M.Y. Hua, C.A. Bravo (Univ. of Michigan, Los Alamos National Laboratory) R.M. Marchie (Univ. of Michigan), J.D. Hutchinson, G.E. McKenzie (Los Alamos National Laboratory), S. A. Pozzi (Univ. of Michigan)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 858-861
Simulated Energy Response in a Multiplicity Detector
Hadyn M. Kistle (Los Alamos National Laboratory, Texas A&M Univ.), Jesson D. Hutchinson, Mark A. Nelson (Los Alamos National Laboratory), Shaheen A. Dewji (Texas A&M Univ.)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 862-865
SSA Monte Carlo and Master Equation Modeling of Neutron Leakage Distributions
Jawad R. Moussa, Anil K. Prinja (Univ. of New Mexico)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 866-869
Validation of MCNP Critical Benchmark Models of PU-MET-FAST-016
R. Holt Mendleski (Texas A&M Univ.), Kristina Y. Spencer, Ethan Moll, Raymond F. Sartor, Jennifer L. Alwin, Wim Haeck (Los Alamos National Laboratory)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 873-876
The Effect of ENDF/B-VIII.0 on Jezebel
Jeffrey A. Favorite (Los Alamos National Laboratory)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 877-880
Determining the Induced-Fission ? Matrix and Vector Using MCNP6.2
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 881-884
Sensitivity of Bondarenko Self-Shielded Cross Sections to Nuclide Densities in PARTISN
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 885-888
The 2020 Edition of the ICSBEP Handbook
John D. Bess (Idaho National Laboratory), Tatiana Ivanova, Ian Hill (OECD Nuclear Energy Agency), Lori Scott (Idaho National Laboratory)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 891-894
Initial Efforts Organizing WPNCS SG-8: Preservation of Expert Knowledge and Judgement Applied to Criticality Benchmarks
William Wieselquist (Oak Ridge National Laboratory), John D. Bess (Idaho National Laboratory), Douglas Bowen (Oak Ridge National Laboratory), Isabelle Duhamel (Institut de Radioprotection et de Surete Nucleaire), Ian Hill (OECD Nuclear Energy Agency), Nicolas Leclaire (Institut de Radioprotection et de Surete Nucleaire), William B. J. Marshall (Oak Ridge National Laboratory), Catherine Percher (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory), Ellen Marie Saylor (Oak Ridge National Laboratory), Shuichi TSUDA (OECD Nuclear Energy Agency)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 895-897
Benched: Upgrading and Updating the Los Alamos Benchmark Suite for the 21st Century
Wim Haeck, Kristina Y. Spencer, Jennifer L. Alwin (Los Alamos National Laboratory)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 898-901
Validation of MCNP Critical Benchmark Models of Moderated Highly Enriched Uranium Slabs
Dalton Wise (Texas A&M Univ.), Bradley Madahar, Krintina Y. Spencer, Jennifer L. Alwin, Wim Haeck (Los Alamos National Laboratory)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 902-905
Calculated Influence of a Niobium Reflector in Plutonium Systems
Tracy Stover (Savannah River Nuclear Solutions)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 909-912
Preparation for Electrolytic Dissolution at H-Canyon
Joshua Butler, Tracy Stover (Savannah River Nuclear Solutions)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 913-916
Molecular Dynamics and Thermal Scattering Law Analysis of Liquid Hydrogen Fluoride
T. Ahmed, C. A. Manring, A. I. Hawari (North Carolina State Univ.)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 917-920
Impact of the Graphite Thermal Scattering Law on Criticality Calculations
N. C. Fleming , C. A. Manring, A. I. Hawari (North Carolina State Univ.)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 921-924
Feasibility Study for a Proposed Subcritical Assembly at Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Douglas G. Bowen, Andrew Holcomb, Shane Hart (Oak Ridge National Laboratory)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 927-930
VADER: A Tool for Criticality Safety Validation
Justin B. Clarity, Shane W. D. Hart, William A. Wieselquist, William J. Marshall (Oak Ridge National Laboratory)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 931-933
Updated Primers Generated for SCALE 6.2 for KENO V.a and KENO-VI
K.B. Bekar, J.B. Clarity, M.N. Dupont, R.A. Lefebvre, W.J. Marshall, and E.M. Saylor (Oak Ridge National Laboratory)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 934-936
Improved Runtime Performance in KENO-VI Models Using Arrays and Holes
W. J. Marshall, B. D. Brickner (Oak Ridge National Laboratory)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 937-940
Transition to Extreme Decision Making — Similarities between the Response to the Corona Virus and Severe Accidents in Nuclear Power Plants.
George Vayssier (NSC Netherlands)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 945-948
Probabilistic Risk Assessment Collaboration through the Japan-U.S. Civil Nuclear Energy Research and Development Working Group
Curtis Smith (Idaho National Laboratory), Masato Nakajima, Naoto Kihara (Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry), Steven Prescott (Idaho National Laboratory)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 949-952
Performance Analysis of Ensemble Learning in Bearing Fault Diagnosis of Rotating Machines
Xianping Zhong, Daniel G. Cole, Heng Ban (Univ. of Pittsburgh)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 953-956
Integrated Enterprise Risk Management to Synchronize Safety and Profitability Analysis for Nuclear Power Plants
John Beal, Tatsuya Sakurahara, Ernie Kee, Seyed Reihani, Zahra Mohaghegh (Univ. of Illinois Urbana-Champaign)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 959-962
Integrated Probabilistic Physics of Failure Methodology to Estimate Pipe Failure Rates for Risk-Informed Analysis of Advanced Nuclear Reactors
Wen-Chi Cheng, John Beal, Tatsuya Sakurahara, Seyed Reihani, Ernie Kee, Zahra Mohaghegh (Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 963-966
I-PRA Uncertainty Importance Ranking to Enhance Fire PRA Realism for Nuclear Power Plants
Ha Bui, Tatsuya Sakurahara, Seyed Reihani (Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign), John M. Biersdorf (Idaho National Laboratory), Zahra Mohaghegh (Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 967-970
Risk-Informing Digital I&C Designs using the HAZCADS Process
John Weglian, Matt Gibson (EPRI), Wes Brinsfield (Jensen Hughes)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 971-974
Coping Time Estimation for Accident Tolerant Nuclear Power Plant
Asad Ullah Amin Shah (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute), Robby Christian (Idaho National Laboratory), Kang Hyun Gook (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 975-978
Safety Analysis of the Conceptual Versatile Test Reactor Design
Tyler Sumner, T. H. Fanning, J. W. Thomas (Argonne National Laboratory)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 981-982
Impact of the Control Rod Withdrawal Rate during Power Ascension Operations
Justin W. Thomas, Tyler Sumner, Thomas H. Fanning (Argonne National Laboratory)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 983-986
Versatile Test Reactor Pump Coastown Assessment
Tyler Sumner, T. H. Fanning (Argonne National Laboratory)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 987-988
Initial Sensitivity Analyses for Versatile Test Reactor Transient Safety Performance
Justin W. Thomas, Lander Ibarra, Tyler Sumner (Argonne National Laboratory)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 989-991
Analysis of Versatile Test Reactor Pump Overcooling Transients
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 992-994
Structures, Systems, and Components Classification Criteria for the Versatile Test Reactor
David Grabaskas (Argonne National Laboratory), Jason Andrus (Idaho National Laboratory), Matthew Bucknor (Argonne National Laboratory), Doug Gerstner (Idaho National Laboratory), Jonathan Li, Matthew Warner, Dennis Henneke (GE-Hitachi Nuclear Energy)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 997-999
Comparison of the NACOM Sodium Fire Code with the AB5 and AB6 Experiments
James J. Sienicki, Anton Moisseytsev, Matthew D. Bucknor (Argonne National Laboratory)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 1000-1003
Comparison of the SOFIRE II Sodium Fire Code with the AB1 and F2 Experiments
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 1004-1007
Flame Sheet Model for Sodium Pool Burning
James J. Sienicki (Argonne National Laboratory)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 1008-1011
Verification and Validation of SAS4A/SASSYS-1 for the Versatile Test Reactor: RVACS
C. Parisi, N. Anderson, F. N. Gleicher, S. Yoon (Idaho National Laboratory), A. J. Brunett, D. O'Grady, L. Ibarra, T. Fanning (Argonne National Laboratory)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 1012-1016
Mainstreaming Model-Based Systems Engineering for Modern Consensus Standards in Nuclear Technology
Andrew J. Clark
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 1017-1017
VTR Safety Strategy and Implementation
Matthew Bucknor
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 1018-1018
The 50th Anniversary of NPT Entry Into Force–1
James W. Behrens
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 1021-1021
The 50th Anniversary of NPT Entry Into Force–II
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 1022-1022
Statistical Errors in Doubles Count Rates with 252Cf and AmLi Active Interrogation Sources on Fresh MTR Research Reactor Fuel
Jay P. Joshi (Univ. of Texas at Austin, Los Alamos National Laboratory), Alexis Trahan, Howard Menlove, Babatunde Adigun, Martyn Swinhoe (Los Alamos National Laboratory), William Charlton (Univ. of Texas at Austin), Shoaib Usman (Missouri Univ. of Science and Technology)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 1025-1027
Neutron Background Measurements in an Urban Environment
John Burkhardt, Marshall Millett (U.S. Naval Academy), Eric Reddick (U. S. Naval Postgraduate School)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 1028-1030
Neutron Activation Analysis and Material Characterization of Modern Urban Materials
Justin Phelps, Jyothierkumar Nimmagadda, Shangradhanva Eswara Vasith, Daniel Ospina, Marcus Benjamin, Mariia Stozhkova, Mustafa Siddiqi, Juan C. Nino, Michele Manuel, James E. Baciak (Univ. of Florida)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 1031-1034
Characterizing SNM by Applying Particle Swarm Optimization to Temporal Spectroscopy
M. Mannino, A. Farsoni, S. Reese (Oregon State Univ.)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 1035-1037
Economic Assessment of ABWR, SCWR and SMART by Using G4-ECONS Code
Salah Ud-Din Khan (King Saud Univ., K.A. CARE Energy Research and Innovation Center)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 1043-1044
Modeling Operations and Maintenance Planning Decisions Under Uncertainty Using Bayesian Networks
Ryan M. Spangler, Lee T. Maccarone, Daniel G. Cole (Univ. of Pittsburgh)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 1045-1048
Economic Ramifications of Nuclear Load-Following in an ERCOT-like Market under High Renewables Penetration and Energy Policies
Katie Biegel, Nicolas E. Stauff, Todd Levin, Taek K. Kim, Temitope A. Taiwo (Argonne National Laboratory)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 1049-1052
System modeling and experimental study of thermal transport properties of pure alcohols and associated mixtures in novel regenerative transcritical power cycle for small modular reactors (SMR)
Benjamin M. Pepper, Hailei Wang (Utah State Univ.), Derick Botha (NuScale Power)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 1055-1057
Conceptual Design of the Reactor Coolant Degassing System using Ultrasound and Membrane
Yurim Kang, Eunkee Kim, Seongchan Park (KEPCO Engineering & Construction)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 1058-1060
Helium Brayton Cycle Design and Analysis for the Holos-Quad Micro Reactor
Anton Moisseytsev, James J. Sienicki, Ling Zou (Argonne National Laboratory), Claudio Filippone (HolosGen)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 1063-1066
Core Design of the Holos-Quad Micro Reactor
Nicolas E. Stauff, Changho Lee, Ling Zou (Argonne National Laboratory), Claudio Filippone (HolosGen)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 1067-1069
Micro-Reactor Design for Truck Charging Station
Nicolas E. Stauff, Yinbin Miao, Derek W. Kultgen (Argonne National Laboratory)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 1070-1072
A LCOE Estimation on HALEU Fuels for Small Modular Reactors
Liam Carlson, Zeyun Wu (Virginia Commonwealth Univ.), James Olson, Li (Emily) Liu (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 1073-1075
Limits of Fission Battery Design: Fluoride-salt-cooled Thermal-Spectrum Fission Battery
Charles Forsberg (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), Eugene Shwageraus (Cambridge Univ.)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 1079-1082
Limits of Fission Battery Design: Sodium-Cooled Thermal-Spectrum Fission Battery
Charles Forsberg (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), Patrick J. McDaniel (Univ. of New Mexico)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 1083-1086
Creating a Molten Salt Component Reliability Database: Initial Efforts and Path Forward
Megan Harkema (Vanderbilt Univ.), Askin Guler Yigitoglu (Oak Ridge National Laboratory), Steven Krahn (Vanderbilt Univ.), Andrew Sowder (Electric Power Research Institute)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 1087-1090
Fission Batteries: Definition, Key Attributes, and Research and Development Needs
Vivek Agarwal, Jess C. Gehin, Youssef A. Ballout (Idaho National Laboratory)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 1091-1093
TRANSFORM—A Vision for Modern Advanced Reactor System-Level Modeling and Simulation Using Modelica
M. Scott Greenwood (Oak Ridge National Laboratory)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 1097-1100
Gear Test Assembly—Testing Gears and Bearings in Liquid Sodium
Edward Kent, Henry Belch, Sasan Bakhtiari, H.T. Chien, Chris Grandy (Argonne National Laboratory)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 1101-1104
SMART Natural Circulation Long Term Cooling Performance Analysis for the Extended Design Basis Accidents using MARS-KS
Youn Shil Kim, Sunghwan Bae, Nhan Hien Hoang, S.K. Sim (Environment & Energy Technology)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 1105-1108
Generalized Python Tool for Thermal Hydraulics Core Analysis of Advanced Reactors
Sierra Tutwiler, Lane B. Carasik (Virginia Commonwealth Univ.)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 1109-1112
Micro-Reactor and Energy Storage Coupled Truck Charging Terminal
Derek W. Kultgen, Darius D. Lisowski, Nicolas E. Stauff, Matthew D. Bucknor (Argonne National Laboratory)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 1115-1118
Multi-Gigawatt-Day Low-Cost Crushed-Rock Heat Storage Coupled to Light-Water Reactors with a Stand-Alone Steam Cycle
Ali Aljefri, Charles W. Forsberg (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 1119-1122
Base-Load Reactors for Variable Electricity with Crushed-Rock Heat Storage and Nitrate-Salt Heat Transfer
Mriganka Mandal, Charles Forsberg (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 1123-1126
Performance Comparison of Solid Reactant Based on Pellets and Powder for Ca(OH)2/CaO Chemical Heat Pump
Aman Gupta (Univ. of Idaho), Paul D. Armatis (Oregon State Univ.), Piyush Sabharwall (Idaho National Laboratory), Brian M. Fronk (Oregon State Univ.), Vivek Utgikar (Univ. of Idaho)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 1127-1129
An Overview of the Integrated Energy System Investigation of the Eastman Chemical Company Kingsport, Tennessee, Facility
M. Scott Greenwood, Askin Guler Yigitoglu, Jordan Rader, Riley Cumberland, Mike Poore, Randy Belles, Bob Zhang, Mike Muhlheim, Whitney Tharp (Oak Ridge National Laboratory)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 1133-1136
Echo State Networks for Renewable Energy Forecasting
Samuel G. Dotson, Kathryn D. Huff (Univ. of Illinois at Urbana Champaign)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 1137-1140
Development of a Tool for Evaluating Nuclear Integrated Energy Systems Profitability For Existing Reactors
James Richards, R. A. Borrelli (Univ. of Idaho)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 1141-1143
Low-Carbon Power for Government Installations using Nuclear Micro-Reactors
Ryan Dailey, Danjing Lei, Antara Khadria, James Parke, Paul Wilson, Michael Corradini (Univ. of Wisconsin-Madison)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 1144-1146
Preliminary Economic Evaluation of Hydrogen Co-Generation at a Nuclear Power Plant in a Regulated Market
Abdalla Abou-Jaoude, Cristian Rabiti, Dan Wendt, Lane T. Knighton (Idaho National Laboratory)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 1147-1149
Commercially Viable Nuclear Power: From First-of-a-Kind to Nth-of-a-Kind
Eric Ingersoll
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 1151-1151
Versatile Test Reactor Experiments–I
Piyush Sabharwall
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 1152-1152
Versatile Test Reactor Experiments–II
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 1153-1153
Radiation shielding design of the Component Transfer Hatch for the ESS Active Cells Facility
Maitane Amarika, Dustin Sancristobal, Bernal Coca de Ayala, Iñigo Eletxigerra (IDOM Engineering), Jameer Emamally (United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority), Magnus Göhran (European Spallation Source)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 1159-1162
Coupling Simulation Technologies to Assist Nuclear Fuel Fabrication Facility Design
Cade M. Bourque (Univ. of Texas at Austin), Cole J. Thompson (Univ. of Texas at Austin, Los Alamos National Laboratory), Kevin T. Clarno, Benjamin D. Leibowicz (Univ. of Texas at Austin)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 1163-1166
Method for Visualizing Radiation Data using Unreal Engine
M. Scott Greenwood, Michael B. R. Smith (Oak Ridge National Laboratory)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 1167-1170
Monte Carlo Calculation of the Cerenkov Distribution from a Proton Therapy Beam
Steven A. Thompson (Univ. of Florida)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 1171-1173
Determination of the Dosimetry Situation in Reactor Physic Laboratory of SUT in Bratislava
Jakub Lüley, Štefan ?erba, Vladimír Ne?as (Slovak Univ. of Technology in Bratislava)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 1174-1177
Recent Work on HDF5 and XDMF-based MCNP Unstructured Mesh Output Files
Joel A. Kulesza (Los Alamos National Laboratory)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 1181-1184
Comparison of CADIS Implementations in Attila4MC and ADVANTG
John Brogan, Eugeny Sosnovsky, Joel Kulesza (Los Alamos National Laboratory)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 1185-1188
Application of COG to Deuteron Transport Benchmarks
Soon S. Kim, David P. Heinrichs, Edward M. Lent (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 1189-1191
Breakdown of Assumptions for 1D Radiation Transport in Air: Considerations for Source Energy
L. M. Rolison, M. L. Fensin (Los Alamos National Laboratory)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 1195-1198
A Verification Case Study for Atmospheric Dispersion of Cs-137 From Barakah Power Plant Using GULFRAD
Bassam A. Khuwaileh (Univ. of Sharjah)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 1199-1201
Validation of the New NTHU Flight Dose Calculator with the ICRU-84 Reference Data
Zi-Yi Yang, Rong-Jiun Sheu (National Tsing Hua Univ.)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 1202-1205
An Exploratory Study for Atmospheric Radionuclide Dispersion and Deposition at Barakah Power Plant Site
Fatima E. Alzaabi, Bassam A. Khuwaileh, Walid A. Metwally (Univ. of Sharjah)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 1206-1208
An Exploratory Study for Radionuclide Dispersion in Water Resources at Barakah Power Plant Site
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 1209-1211
Planar versus Half-Isotropic Angle and Energy Dependent Dose Response Functions for Neutron Transport in Air
M. L. Fensin (Los Alamos National Laboratory)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 1215-1218
Preliminary Applicability Analysis of the Point Kernel Technique for Large-scale Gamma-ray Source
Hae Sun Jeong, Won Tae Hwang, Eun Han Kim, Jo Eun Lee, Moon Hee Han, Cheol Woo Lee (Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 1219-1222
Variance Reduction Techniques Applied in Neutron Porosity Modelling Using Geant4
Yulian Li, Qiong Zhang (Univ. of Electronic Science and Technology), Ye Cheng (High Energy Accelerator Research Org.)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 1223-1226
Multifaceted coded nuclear data libraries assemblage, verification and validation: TENDL-2019
J.-Ch.Sublet, Arjan Koning (International Atomic Energy Agency), Dimitri Rochman (Paul Scherrer Institut), Mark R. Gilbert (U.K. Atomic Energy Authority), Albert C. Kahler (Kahler Nuclear Data Services), Cedric Jouanne (CEA), Jaakko Leppanen (VTT Technical Research Center of Finland), Steven C. van der Marck (NRG), Paul Romano (Argonne National Laboratory)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 1227-1230
Shielding Evaluation for Dual Content Containers in a 9977 Shipping Package
Steven J. Nathan, Zachary Weis (Savannah River Nuclear Solutions)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 1233-1236
Effects on Estimated External Dose Rate from Loss of Lead Shielding in SNF Transportation Casks
Kevin J. Connolly, Riley M. Cumberland (Oak Ridge National Laboratory)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 1237-1240
Shielding Analysis of Content Type 4 for Addendum 3 to 9977 Shipping Package SARP (U)
Zachary M. Weis, Steven J. Nathan (Savannah River Nuclear Solutions)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 1241-1243
Effect of Irradiation and Corrosion on Gamma Attenuation Behavior of 316 and 304 Stainless Steel
Ghada Shkoukani (North Carolina State Univ.), Nouf Almousa (Princess Nourah Bint Abdulrahman Univ., Massachusetts Institute of Technology), Mohamed Bourham (North Carolina State Univ.)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 1244-1247
Supplemental Shielding for the Advanced Photon Source Upgrade Particle Accumulator Ring
B. J. Micklich, K. C. Harkay, M. Borland, J. Calvey, G. Decker, J. Dooling, V. Guarino, G. Fystro, J. H. Vacca, S. Wiedmeyer, U. Wienands, K. P. Wootton, and C.-Y. Yao (Argonne National Laboratory)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 1251-1254
A Fundamental Study on the Calculation Environment for Radiation Shielding Design of Accelerator Facilities
Ken-ichi Kimura, Kuniaki Nabatame (Fujita Corp.), Nobuhiro Shigyo, Nobuo Ikeda (Kyusyu Univ.)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 1255-1258
Design and Optimization of the Shielding of an Accelerator Driven Thorium-Fueled Molten Salt Loop using MCNP6
Eman Alsmadi, Luay Alawneh, Se Ro Yang, Rodolfo Vaghetto, Yassin Hassan (Texas A&M Univ.)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 1259-1262
MCNP Modeling of a Multi-Volume Neutron Spectrometer
Teancum Quist, Edward Cazalas (Univ. of Utah)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 1265-1268
Effective Dose Calculation in the VVER-440 Maintenance Area
Branislav Vrban, Filip Osuský, Vladimír Ne?as (Slovak Univ. of Technology in Bratislava)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 1269-1272
Simulated Optimization of Neutron Detection in Optically Stimulated Luminescence Fibers
Elizabeth Andreyka (Oregon State Univ.), Anand Iyer (North Carolina State Univ.), Nai`a North (Univ. of Michigan), Margaret Root, Sarah Sarnoski (Los Alamos National Laboratory)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 1273-1276
Verification of the Re-Released ENDF/B VIII.0 Based Thermal Scattering Libraries
D. Kent Parsons, Cecile Toccoli, Jeremy L. Conlin (Los Alamos National Laboratory)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 1281-1284
Neutron Capture on Stable Fission Product 139La Contribution to Delayed-Photoneutrons in Heavy Water Reactors
Yanuar Ady Setiawan (Ulsan National Institute of Science & Technology, Universitas Gadjah Mada), Douglas A. Fynan (Universitas Gadjah Mada)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 1285-1286
Application of Machine Learning to Nuclear Data Evaluation
Pedro Vicente-Valdez, Lee Bernstein, Massimiliano Fratoni (Univ. of California at Berkeley)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 1287-1290
Improving Resonance Integral Table Based Cross Section Methods Using Lasso Regression
Yuxuan Liu, Brendan Kochunas (Univ. of Michigan)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 1291-1294
Examination of Spectral Indices For Monitoring Spectral Shifts in TREAT
A. S. Batikh, N. C. Fleming, A. I. Hawari (North Carolina State Univ.)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 1297-1300
Neutron Damage Assessment Supporting TREAT Facility Fuel SiC Recladding
John D. Bess, Nicolas E. Woolstenhulme, James R. Parry (Idaho National Laboratory)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 1301-1303
Subcritical Multiplication with a Fixed Source
Daniel Timmons (Univ. of New Mexico), Michael E. Rising (Los Alamos National Laboratory), Christopher Perfetti (Univ. of New Mexico)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 1304-1307
Study of reflection properties of silica sand
Tomáš Peltan (Univ. of West Bohemia), Michal Koš?ál (Research Centre Rez)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 1308-1311
Triangle-based Quasi-diffusion Nodal Method for Fast Reactor Analysis
M. Rizki Oktavian, Yunlin Xu (Purdue Univ.)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 1315-1318
Burnup-dependent GPS Method with Leakage Correction and Spectral Weighting in Core Depletion Analysis
Hae Sun Jeong (Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute), Hwanyeal Yu, Yonghee Kim (Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 1319-1322
Initial Control Rod Depletion Development in MPACT
Aaron J. Reynolds (Oregon State Univ.), Shane Stimpson, Aaron Graham (Oak Ridge National Laboratory)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 1323-1326
Krylov Subspace Wraps around the Two-Level p-CMFD Acceleration in the Whole-Core Transport Calculation
Nam Zin Cho (Korean Advanced Institute of Science and Technology)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 1327-1330
Fuel Rod Analysis Programming Interface for Loosely Coupled Multiphysics System
Alexey Cherezov, Hanjoo Kim, Jinsu Park, Deokjung Lee (Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 1331-1334
Implementation of Partial Current Discontinuity Factors in VARIANT Nodal Transport Analysis
P. Deng, W. S. Yang (Univ. of Michigan), R. N. Wahlen, C. P. Denbrock, T. L. Grimm (Niowave)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 1337-1340
Analytic Insights into the Neutronic Characteristics of Neutron Moderators from MCNP Calculations
D. Kent Parsons, Cecile A. Toccoli (Los Alamos National Laboratory)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 1341-1344
Energy Deposition in the OpenMC Monte Carlo Particle Transport Code
Paul K. Romano (Argonne National Laboratory), Andrew E. Johnson (Georgia Institute of Technology), Amanda L. Lund (Argonne National Laboratory), Jingang Liang (Tsinghua Univ.)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 1345-1348
Fast Reproduction of Time-dependent MOC Calculations using the Reduced Order Model based on the Proper Orthogonal and Singular Value Decompositions
Kosuke Tsujita (Nuclear Engineering), Tomohiro Endo, Akio Yamamoto (Nagoya Univ.)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 1349-1353
Evaluating Methods for Modeling Disk Fuel Samples with SCALE
Tucker Sawyer, Kevin Clarno (Univ. of Texas at Austin)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 1354-1357
Revision of Sample Spectra Calculations for Fast Flux Test Facility Benchmark
John D. Bess (Idaho National Laboratory)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 1361-1364
Preliminary Benchmark Calculations of Spent Nuclear Fuel Isotopic Compositions Using BWR Assay Data
Andy Rivas, Jason Hou (North Carolina State Univ.), Germina Ilas (Oak Ridge National Laboratory)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 1365-1368
Benchmarking VERA for Criticality and Depletion Calculations of Accident Tolerant Fuels
A. Viette (Ecole Normale Supérieure Paris-Saclay), E. Davidson (Oak Ridge National Laboratory), F. Franceschini (Westinghouse Mangiarotti), K. S. Kim (Oak Ridge National Laboratory)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 1369-1372
Isotopic Validation Study of SCALE for HALEU with the IFA-601 Experimental Data
Tucker Sawyer, Kevin T. Clarno (Univ. of Texas at Austin)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 1373-1376
BlueCRAB Microreactor Reference Model
J. M. Kelly (U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission), G. Hu, R. Hu (Argonne National Laboratory), J. Ortensi (Idaho National Laboratory), S. M. Bajorek (U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 1379-1382
Multi-Physics Simulations of Heat-Pipe TRISO-Fueled Micro-Reactor
Nicolas E. Stauff, Kun Mo, Changho Lee, Zhi-Gang Mei, Yeon Sang Jung (Argonne National Laboratory, Christopher Matthews (Los Alamos National Laboratory), Bo Feng (Argonne National Laboratory)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 1383-1385
Feasibility Investigation of Self-Controlled Reactor Using Stationary Liquid Fuel
T. Fei, M. Kun, Y. Miao, C. Forsyth, X. Wang, T. Kim (Argonne National Laboratory)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 1386-1389
Alternative Nuclear Thermal Propulsion Core Designs using Curved Fuel Plates
Abdalla Abou-Jaoude, Gilles J. Youinou (Idaho National Laboratory)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 1390-1392
Criticality Concerns of Small Modular Reactor for Marine Application
Seong-Jun Yoon, Myung Hyun Kim (Kyung Hee Univ.)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 1393-1394
Investigation of Fuel Assembly Homogenization Effect and Improvement for VTR
T. Fei, Z. Zhong (Argonne National Laboratory), Z. Xu (Idaho National Laboratory), F. Heidet (Argonne National Laboratory)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 1397-1400
CFD Analysis of the Effect of Edge Fillets on Pressure Drop for a Pipe-to-Annulus Geometry
Dillon R. Shaver (Argonne National Laboratory), SuJong Yoon (Idaho National Laboratory), Florent Heidet (Argonne National Laboratory)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 1401-1403
OpenMC-based generation of multigroup cross-sections for analysis of the Versatile Test Reactor
Alisha Kasam-Griffith, Adam Nelson, Florent Heidet (Argonne National Laboratory)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 1404-1407
Design and Demonstration of a Rabbit Experiment System for the Versatile Test Reactor
Sean M. McDeavitt, Mark Kimber, Karen Kirkland, Luis H. Ortega, Delia Perez-Nunez, Pavel Tsvetkov (Texas A&M Univ.), David Wootan (Pacific Northwest National Laboratory), Jason Hearne, Abdullah Weiss (Texas A&M Univ.)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 1408-1411
Application of Framatome's 3D Control Rod Ejection Methodology (AREA) to the Palo Verde Generating Station
Michelle Guzzardo, Keith Maupin, Richard Deveney (Framatome), David Medek (Palo Verde Generating Station)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 1415-1418
PWR Integral Gadolinia Burnable Absorber Loading Design In A Once-Through Core Reactivity Swing Minimization Assessment
Gray Chang, Julie Foster (JFoster and Associates), Jim Harrell (Zachry Nuclear)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 1419-1422
VVER-1000 Regulatory Forum Benchmark
Romain Henry, Kiril Velkov (Gesellschaft für Anlagen- und Reaktorsicherheit)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 1423-1426
Monte Carlo Calculation of the Energy Deposition in the Transformational Challenge Reactor
A. Talamo, A. Bergeron, M. Subhasish, S.N. P. Vegendla, F. Heidet (Argonne National Laboratory), B. Ade, B.R. Betzler (Oak Ridge National Laboratory)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 1429-1433
Transformational Challenge Reactor Agile Design Enabled by Additive Manufacturing
B. R. Betzler, B. J. Ade, A. J. Wysocki, P. C. Chesser, K. A. Terrani (Oak Ridge National Laboratory)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 1434-1437
Modeling Assumptions for Densely Packed TRISO/SiC Fuel Elements with YH Moderator
Brian J. Ade, Benjamin R. Betzler, Brianna D. Hiscox (Oak Ridge National Laboratory)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 1438-1441
Particle Packing Characteristics in Dense TRISO/SiC Fuel Elements and the Impact on Neutronics and Thermomechanics
Brian J. Ade, Daniel P. Schappel, Benjamin R. Betzler, Grant W. Helmreich, Dylan Dylan D. Richardson, Michael P. Trammel, Brian P. Jolly, Austin T. Schumacher (Oak Ridge National Laboratory)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 1442-1446
Sensitivity and Uncertainty Analysis of Core Criticality for the Transformational Challenge Reactor
J. Hu, B. J. Ade, B. R. Betzler (Oak Ridge National Laboratory)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 1449-1452
AI Optimization of the Reactor Unit Cell to Support TCR Optimization
B. Hiscox (Oak Ridge National Laboratory), V. Sobes (Univ. of Tennessee), E. Popov, R. Archibald, B. Betzler, K. Terrani (Oak Ridge National Laboratory)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 1453-1456
Design and Modeling of Regulating Control Elements for the Transformational Challenge Reactor (TCR)
J. R. Burns, P. Chesser, P. Wang, E. Fountain, B. R. Betzler, B. J. Ade (Oak Ridge National Laboratory), A. Bergeron (Argonne National Laboratory)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 1457-1460
Calculation of 3D Precursor Distributions in Fast MSRs via Coupled CFD and Neutronics Approach
Yeon Sang Jung, Jun Fang, Dillon R. Shaver, Changho Lee, Bo Feng (Argonne National Laboratory)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 1463-1466
Validation of SCALE for Molten Salt Reactors using the MSRE Benchmark
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 1467-1470
Nuclear data uncertainty challenges in Molten Salt Reactor safeguards
Andre A. Vidal Soares, Azaree Lintereur (Penn State Univ.), Benjamin R. Betzler (Oak Ridge National Laboratory), Amanda Johnsen, Joshua Flygare (Penn State Univ.), Louise Worral (Oak Ridge National Laboratory), William Walters (Penn State Univ.)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 1471-1474
Versatile Test Reactor Panel
Florent Heidet
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 1475-1475
Special Session on New Program for Demonstration of Advanced Reactors
Robert Hill
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 1476-1476
Effect of Subcooling on Phase Angle Difference of Density Wave Instability
Martin A. Lopez de Bertodano (Purdue University)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 1481-1482
Investigation of the Two-Phase Flow Interface Behavior during Quench based on Advanced Imaging Processing
Yue Jin (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), Arunkumar Seshadri (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), Koroush Shirvan (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 1483-1486
Transient measurement of film boiling during cooldown from CHF in vertical flow
Michelle McCord (University of Illinois), Joseph L. Bottini (University of Illinois Urbana Champaign), Caleb S. Brooks (University of Illinois)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 1487-1489
Numerical simulation of the flow through a randomly packed pebble bed with small bed-to-pebble diameter ratio
Mustafa Alper Yildiz (Texas A&M University), Yassin A. Hassan (Texas A&M University), Elia Merzari (Pennsylvania State University)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 1493-1496
Validation of Turbulence Models for Heat Transfer Predictions for Low-Pr Flows
Mohammed El Mellouki (Mississippi State University), Giacomo Busco (Texas A&M University), W. D. Jock (University of Oklahoma), Shanti Bushan (Mississippi State University), Keith Walters (University of Oklahoma), Yassin A. Hassan (Texas A&M University), Aleksandr V. Obabko (Argonne National Laboratory), Elia Merzari (Pennsylvania State University)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 1497-1500
Experimentally Developed Recommendations to Improve Existing Coarse Aerosol Deposition Models
Rohan Milind Biwalkar (Pittsburgh Technical LLC), Sola Talabi (Pittsburgh Technical LLC), Tevfik Gemci (Pittsburgh Technical LLC)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 1501-1504
A Numerical Verification of Thermal Radiation Heat Transfer Models in OpenFOAM and STARCCM+
DEZHI DAI (Argonne National Laboratory), Haomin Yuan (Argonne National Laboratory), Landon Mitchell Brockmeyer (Argonne National Laboratory), Adrian Tentner (Argonne National Laboratory)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 1505-1508
CFD Simulations on a hexagonal 61-pin wire-wrapped fuel bundle with STARCCM+ and comparison with experimental data.
Octavio Bovati (Texas A&M University), Mustafa Alper Yildiz (Texas A&M University), Yassin A. Hassan (Texas A&M University), Rodolfo Vaghetto (Texas A&M University)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 1509-1511
Modelling Assessments of Water Pool Boiling Critical Heat Flux Experiments Under Power Transients
Mingfu He (University of New Mexico), Minghui Chen (University of New Mexico)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 1515-1518
Numerical analysis of wall boiling considering bubble sliding and merge for heat flux partitioning on horizontal tube
Jae Soon Kim (Seoul National University), Hyoung Kyu Cho (Seoul National University)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 1519-1522
Experimental and Numerical analysis of single pump failure in a HLM Reactor
Philippe Planquart (Von Karman Institute), Katrien Van Tichelen (SCK-CEN)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 1523-1524
Comparative Analysis for DNBR Between MARS-KS and CTF on the Core Flow Asymmetry
Il Suk Lee (Korea Institute of Nuclear Safety)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 1525-1527
Pressure Drop Measurements in a 61-Pin Wire Wrapped Hexagonal Fuel Bundle in Presence of Localized Subchannel Blockages
Robert Muyshondt (Texas A&M University), Mason Paul Childs (Texas A&M University), Rodolfo Vaghetto (Texas A&M University), Duy-Thien Nguyen (Texas A&M University), Yassin A. Hassan (Texas A&M University), N.K. Anand (Texas A&M University)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 1531-1534
Preliminary Measurements of Swirl Flow Heat Transfer Enhancements for Reactor Heat Exchanger Technology
Arturo Cabral (Virginia Commonwealth University), Cody S. Wiggins (Virginia Commonwealth University), Meryem E. Murphy (Virginia Commonwealth University), Ryan P. McGuire (Virginia Commonwealth University), Candler L. Langston (Virginia Commonwealth University), Lane B. Carasik (Virginia Commonwealth University)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 1535-1538
Low-Order Reconstruction of Pore-Scale Velocity in Randomly Packed Beds based on POD analysis of Time-resolved PIV Velocity Fields
Duy-Thien Nguyen (Texas A&M University), Stephen King (Texas A&M University College Station), Yassin A. Hassan (Texas A&M University)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 1539-1543
Applications of the Windowless Liquid Metal Jet to Accelerators
Yoichi Momozaki (Argonne National Laboratory)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 1544-1546
Subchannel Mass Transfer Analysis of a 5 x 5 Rod Bundle Using PIV and Matching of Index of Refraction
Gabriel Caio Queiroz Tomaz (Texas A&M University), Camila Freitas Matozinhos (Texas A&M University), Duy-Thien Nguyen (Texas A&M University), Yassin A. Hassan (Texas A&M University)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 1547-1549
Education in Thermal Hydraulics
Lane B. Carasik
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 1551-1551
Construction and Preliminary Tests of Real Time X-ray Video System for Metal Fuel Relocation Experiment with Pressure Injection
Tae Il Kim (Argonne National Laboratory), Dzmitry Harbaruk (Argonne National Laboratory), Darius Lisowski (Argonne National Laboratory), Nathan Bremer (Argonne National Laboratory), Mitchell Farmer (Argonne National Laboratory), Christopher Grandy (Argonne National Laboratory), Yoon Il Chang (Argonne National Laboratory)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 1555-1557
Functional Requirements for the Modeling of Advanced Reactor Mechanistic Source Term
Shayan Shahbazi (Argonne National Laboratory), David Grabaskas (Argonne National Laboratory)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 1558-1561
Thermophysical Property Measurements of Molten Salts: Perspectives on Fuel and Irradiated Salts
Ryan C. Gallagher (Oak Ridge National Laboratory), Nick Russell (Oak Ridge National Laboratory), Alex Martin (Oak Ridge National Laboratory), N. Dianne B. Ezell (Oak Ridge National Laboratory)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 1565-1568
Simulation and Analysis of a Prototypical Xenon Removal System
Jiaqi Chen (University of Illinois Urbana Champaign), Caleb S. Brooks (University of Illinois)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 1569-1572
Design Overview of the Facility to Alleviate Salt Technology Risks (FASTR)
Kevin R. Robb (Oak Ridge National Laboratory), Seth Baird (Oak Ridge National Laboratory), Padhraic L. Mulligan (Oak Ridge National Laboratory)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 1573-1576
Coupling of OpenFOAM Stress Analysis Solver and ANLHTP for Thermo-Mechanical Analysis of a Heat Pipe Cooled Micro Reactor Core
Myung Jin Jeong (Seoul National University), San Lee (Seoul National University), Hyoung Kyu Cho (Seoul National University), Yeon Sang Jung (Argonne National Laboratory), Changho Lee (Argonne National Laboratory)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 1579-1582
Preliminary Fuel Performance and Thermal Hydraulic Modeling of the MPCMIV Benchmark
Travis C. Mui (University of Illinois Urbana Champaign), Tomasz Kozlowski (University of Illinois)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 1583-1586
Coupled Multiphysics Simulation of Pool-Type Molten Salt Reactors Using Griffin/Pronghorn
Paolo Balestra (Idaho National Laboratory), Abdalla Abou-Jaoude (Idaho National Laboratory), Sebastian Schunert (Idaho National Laboratory), Andrew Hermosillo (TAMU), Yaqi Wang (Idaho National Laboratory), Nicolas P. Martin (Idaho National Laboratory)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 1587-1590
Multiphysics Modeling of an Annular Linear Induction Pump
Mohammed Khalid Shutayfi (North Carolina State University), Anant Raj (North Carolina State University), Steven Shannon (North Carolina State University), Jacob Eapen (North Carolina State University)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 1591-1594
Anubis: A Neutronics-Thermal Hydraulics Coupling Platform for Flow Accelerated Corrosion Modeling in Reactor Conditions
Khaled Talaat (University of New Mexico), Osman Anderoglu (University of New Mexico), Cetin Unal (Los Alamos National Laboratory)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 1595-1598
Coarse Mesh Turbulence Prediction for Reactor Transient Simulations Using Densely Connected Convolutional Networks
Yang Liu (Argonne National Laboratory), Rui Hu (Argonne National Laboratory), Prasanna Balaprakash (Argonne National Laboratory), Acacia J. Brunett (Argonne National Laboratory), Aleksandr V. Obabko (Argonne National Laboratory)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 1601-1604
Sensitivity Analysis of the 1-D Thermal Stratification Model via Forward and Adjoint Methods
Cihang Lu (Virginia Commonwealth University), Zeyun Wu (Virginia Commonwealth University)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 1605-1607
Measurement of bubble departure diameters in high-pressure flow boiling of water
Artyom Kossolapov (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), Bren A. Phillips (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), Matteo Bucci (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 1608-1609
Invariant Analysis of Flow in a 5x5 Rod Bundle With a Central Thimble Tube
Adam R. Kraus (Pennsylvania State University), Elia Merzari (Pennsylvania State University), Thomas Norddine (Ecole des Ponts ParisTech), Sofiane Benhamadouche (Electricite de France)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 1610-1613
Pressure Vessel Design Optimization of the Transformational Challenge Reactor
Nathan D. See (Oak Ridge National Laboratory), Benjamin R. Betzler (Oak Ridge National Laboratory), Sacit M. Cetiner (Oak Ridge National Laboratory), Phillip Chesser (Oak Ridge National Laboratory), Jesse Heinemann (Oak Ridge National Laboratory)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 1619-1622
Ex-Core Thermofluidic Modeling and Simulations for Transformational Challenge Reactor
Prasad Vegendla (Argonne National Laboratory), Aurelien X. Bergeron (Argonne National Laboratory), Subhasish Mohanty (Argonne National Laboratory), Alberto Talamo (Argonne National Laboratory), Florent Heidet (Argonne National Laboratory), Brian J. Ade (Oak Ridge National Laboratory), B. R. Betzler (Oak Ridge National Laboratory)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 1623-1626
Gas Coolant Channel Optimization for Transformational Challenge Reactor
Justin Weinmeister (Oak Ridge National Laboratory), Casey J. Jesse (Idaho National Laboratory), Prashant K. Jain (Oak Ridge National Laboratory)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 1627-1630
Preliminary Design and Stress Analysis of the Transformational Challenge Reactor Vessel
Subhasish Mohanty (Argonne National Laboratory), Aurelien X. Bergeron (Argonne National Laboratory), Alberto Talamo (Argonne National Laboratory), Prasad Vegendla (Argonne National Laboratory), Florent Heidet (Argonne National Laboratory), Brian J. Ade (Oak Ridge National Laboratory), Benjamin R. Betzler (Oak Ridge National Laboratory)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 1631-1634
Thermal-Hydraulic Analyses to Support TCR Optimization
Emilian Popov (Oak Ridge National Laboratory), Vladimir Sobes (University of Tennessee Knoxville), Briana D. Hiscox (Oak Ridge National Laboratory), Rick Archibald (ORNL), Benjamin R. Betzler (Oak Ridge National Laboratory), Kurt A. Terrani (Oak Ridge National Laboratory)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 1635-1637
Transformational Challenge Reactor Accident Analysis
Aaron J. Wysocki (Oak Ridge National Laboratory), Prashant K. Jain (Oak Ridge National Laboratory), Jordan D. Rader (Oak Ridge National Laboratory)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 1638-1641
Thermal Performance for Integrated Energy Systems: Design, Development, and Deployment
M. Scott Greenwood
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 1643-1643
Validation of the SAM Multi-dimensional Flow Model for Thermal Mixing and Stratification Phenomena
Daniel Nunez (Argonne National Laboratory), Ling Zou (Argonne National Laboratory), Rui Hu (Argonne National Laboratory)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 1647-1650
CARLITA Code Benchmarking with SAM for LBE Natural Circulation Flow
Adam J. Dix (Purdue University), Daniel O'Grady (Argonne National Laboratory), Acacia J. Brunett (Argonne National Laboratory), Mitch T. Farmer (ANL)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 1651-1653
Brent Patrick Hollrah (Texas A&M University), Rodolfo Vaghetto (Texas A&M University), Yassin A. Hassan (Texas A&M University)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 1654-1657
Code Enhancement to SAM Multi-scale/multi-dimensional Heat Transfer Modeling Capabilities
Ling Zou (Argonne National Laboratory), Guojun Hu (Argonne National Laboratory), Rui Hu (Argonne National Laboratory)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 1658-1661
Modelling a Transient in Liquid Fuel Microreactor with MOOSE-SAM MultiApp System
Tingzhou Fei (Argonne National Laboratory), Yinbin Miao (Argonne National Laboratory), Kun Mo (Argonne National Laboratory), Rui Hu (Argonne National Laboratory)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 1662-1664
Nuclear Power and the Transformational Challenge of Autonomous Operation: AI/ML as an Enabler
Richard B. Vilim
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 1665-1665
An Evaluation of Containment Design for SMART100
Seongho Jee, Hanrim Choi, Seokjeong Park, Minsoo Park, Gyucheon Lee (KEPCO), Seongwon Lim (KAERI), Seongsu Jeon, Yeonjun Choo, Soonjoon Hong (FNC Tech)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 1669-1672
DASSH: Software for ducted assembly thermal hydraulics calculations
Milos Ivo Atz (Argonne National Laboratory), Micheal A. Smith (Argonne National Laboratory), Florent Heidet (Argonne National Laboratory)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 1673-1676
Scaling Analysis of the SFR Cartridge Loop
Ran Kong (Purdue University), Zhengting Quan (Purdue University), Guanyi Wang (Purdue University), Seungjin Kim (Purdue University), Mamoru Ishii (Purdue University), Mitchell T. Farmer (Argonne National Laboratory)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 1677-1678
Analyzing APR1400 Under Load Follow Operation Using multi-Physics Simulation Approach
Abd El Rahman Mahmoud Abou El Ala (Egypt Atomic Energy Authority), Aya Diab (KEPCO International Nuclear Graduate School (KINGS))
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 1679-1682
Momentum Source Modeling of Spacer Grid and Mixing Vanes in Small Modular Reactors
Jun Fang (Argonne National Laboratory), Dillon R. Shaver (Argonne National Laboratory), Elia Merzari (Pennsylvania State University)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 1685-1688
Lateral flow characterizations in a 5x5 rod bundle with spacer grid
Camila Freitas Matozinhos (Texas A&M University), Gabriel Caio Queiroz Tomaz (Texas A&M University), Thien Nguyen (Texas A&M University), Yassin A. Hassan (Texas A&M University)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 1689-1692
On The Effect of The Aspect Ratio on The Stability of Single-phase Rectangular Thermosiphons
Tri Nguyen (The Pennsylvania State University), Elia Merzari (The Pennsylvania State University)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 1693-1696
1D Fixed Flux Two-Fluid Model For Vertical Adiabatic Slug Flow
Krishna Chetty (Purdue University), Alejandro Clausse (CNEA-CONICET and National University of Central Buenos Aires), Martin A. Lopez de Bertodano (Purdue University)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 1697-1699
The Analysis and Comparison for Air-Water flow phenomena using TRACE
Kyoungwoo Seo (KAERI), Hyungi Yoon (KAERI), In Guk Kim (KAERI), Seong-Hoon Kim (KAERI), Juliana P. Duarte (Virginia Tech), Michael Corradini (University of Wisconsin-Madison)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 1703-1706
Linear Stability Analysis of Flashing Instability with Homogeneous Equilibrium Model
Taiyang Zhang (University of Illinois Urbana Champaign), Caleb S. Brooks (University of Illinois)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 1707-1710
Comparision of intergroup mass transfer coefficient correlations in two-group IATE for subcooled boiling flow
Longxiang Zhu (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign), Joseph L. Bottini (University of Illinois Urbana Champaign), Caleb S. Brooks (University of Illinois)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 1711-1714
Novel Heat Exchanger Configuration for Enhanced Heat Transfer in Nuclear Applications
Amir Ali (Idaho State University), Scott F. Wahlquist (Idaho State University), Su-Jong Yoon (Idaho National Laboratory), Piyush Sabharwall (Idaho National Laboratory)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 1717-1720
Numerical Study on Thermal Mixing in a T-junction using PHASTA
Shujie Guo (North Carolina State University), Igor A. Bolotnov (North Carolina State University)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 1721-1723
Development of Machine Learning Framework for Interfacial Force Closures Based on Bubble Tracking Data
Cheng-Kai Tai (North Carolina State University), Dirk Lucas (Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden - Rossendorf), Igor A. Bolotnov (North Carolina State University)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 1724-1727
Implementation of a New Wall Boiling Model in CTF
Vineet Kumar (Oak Ridge National Laboratory / UT-Battelle LLC), Robert K. Salko (Oak Ridge National Laboratory)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 1728-1731
Verification of Nek4nuc (Nek5000 Integrated in NEAMS Workbench) via Turbulent Pipe Flow Simulation
Yuqiao Fan (Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education), Marc-Olivier G. Delchini (Oak Ridge National Laboratory), Robert A. Lefebvre (Oak Ridge National Laboratory)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 1732-1735
Verification of Transient Simulations Using the SAS4A/SASSYS-1 Coupled Channel Interface
Daniel O'Grady (Argonne National Laboratory), Acacia J. Brunett (Argonne National Laboratory), Thanh Q. Hua (Argonne National Laboratory), Guojun Hu (Argonne National Laboratory), Rui Hu (Argonne National Laboratory), Thomas H. Fanning (Argonne National Laboratory), Guanheng Zhang (Argonne National Laboratory)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 1739-1742
Joint SAS4A/SASSYS-1 Development for Lead Cooled Fast Reactor Safety Analysis
Jun Liao (Westinghouse Electric Company)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 1743-1746
Implementation of an Extended Reactor Vessel Heat Rejection Modeling Capability in SAS4A/SASSYS-1
Daniel O'Grady (Argonne National Laboratory), Acacia J. Brunett (Argonne National Laboratory), Thomas H. Fanning (Argonne National Laboratory)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 1747-1750
NekRS: Massively parallel fluid flow simulations in reactor cores
Paul Fischer (University of Illinois), Stefan Kerkemeier (Argonne National Laboratory), Yu-Hsiang Lan (Argonne National Laboratory), Misun Min (Argonne National Laboratory), Elia Merzari (Pennsylvania State University)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 1751-1754
Statistical Uncertainties of Passive Scalars in a Direct Numerical Simulation of Low-Prandtl Fluid Flow over a Backward Facing Step
Jure Oder (Jozef Stefan Institut), Iztok Tiselj (Jožef Stefan Institute)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 1755-1758
CFD Analyses of an ALFRED Fuel Assembly
Ferry Roelofs (Nuclear Research & Consultancy Group), Akshat Mathur (NRG), Heleen Doolaard (NRG Arnhem)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 1761-1764
Preliminary Analysis of PCM Condenser Performance using CFD
Jai Oan Cho (KAIST), Hwa-Young Jung (KAIST), Sung Gil Shin (KAIST), Jaehyung Sim (KAIST), Jeong Ik Lee (KAIST)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 1765-1767
Research on the CFD Scheme to Analyze the Sublimation of Uranium Hexafluoride
Tianyu Wang (Harbin Engineering University), Zhaofei Tian (Harbin Engineering University), Hao Yan (CNNC Xinneng Engineering Co., Ltd.), Chaoran Yang (CNNC Shaanxi Uranium Enrichment Co., Ltd.), Guangliang Chen (Harbin Engineering University)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 1768-1771
Design and Analysis of the Priority-Ranking-RIF-CFD Scheme for PWR Core
Hao Qian (Harbin Engineering University), Guangliang Chen (Harbin Engineering University), Rui Ma (China Ship Development and Design Center)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 1772-1775
Towards Understanding the Thermal-Hydraulic Distortion of using Surrogate Fluids for FHRs Development
Amir Ali (Idaho State University), Lane B. Carasik (Virginia Commonwealth University), Arturo Cabral (Virginia Commonwealth University)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 1779-1782
Prediction of Departure from Nucleate Boiling Using Two-Fluid CFD Model
Danny Ouk (University of Massachusetts at Lowell), Subash L. Sharma (University of Massachusetts Lowell)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 1783-1786
STAR CCM+ simulation of the Helium-3 neutron capture reaction effect on the Helium-3 Negative Reactivity Insertion (HENRI) cartridge operation
Cole Leingang (Oregon State University), Guillaume P. Mignot (Oregon State University)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 1787-1790
MELCOR Modeling of a 350 MWt Small Modular Reactor
Yukun Zhou (Xi'an Jiaotong University), Jun Wang (University of Wisconsin-Madison)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 1793-1797
CFD Simulations of the Sodium Cartridge Loop of the Versatile Test Reactor
Zhengting Quan (Purdue University), Ran Kong (Purdue University), Adam J. Dix (Purdue University), Seungjin Kim (Purdue University), Mamoru Ishii (Purdue University), Mitchell T. Farmer (Argonne National Laboratory)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 1798-1800
CFD Thermal Analysis over a Narrow Channel for the Investigation of the PCM Solidification Criteria
Yonadan Choi (KAIST), Yong Hoon Jeong (KAIST)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 1801-1804
CFD Analysis of the HTGR Reactor Response to Depressurization Accidents
Shripad T. Revankar (Purdue University), Navneeth Srinivasan (Indian Institute of Techynology Madras)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 1807-1811
CFD Simulation of the LBE Loop in the Hybrid Fast and Thermal Subcritical Testbed
Ran Kong (Purdue University), Seungjin Kim (Purdue University), Robert Nicholas Wahlen (Niowave, Inc.), Terry L. Grimm (Niowave, Inc.)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 1812-1814
Anthony G. Bowers (University of Massachusetts Lowell), Subash L. Sharma (University of Massachusetts Lowell), Maureen A. Howley (University of Massachusetts Lowell)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 1815-1818
Experimental Investigation of a Supersonic Jet Impinging on a Concave Cylindrical Surface
Blake Maher (Texas A&M University), Duy-Thien Nguyen (Texas A&M University), Yassin A. Hassan (Texas A&M University)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 1821-1824
NIMBLE Microreactor Testing Platform for TREAT: Preliminary Thermal-Hydraulic Considerations
Aaron S. Epiney (Idaho National Laboratory), Begona Aranguren (Texas A&M University College Station), John Darrell Bess (Idaho National Laboratory), Daniel B. Chapman (Idaho National Laboratory), Kayla Clements (University of Florida), Austin D. Fleming (Idaho National Laboratory), Justin T. Johnson (Idaho National Laboratory), Matthew R. Ramirez (Idaho National Laboratory), Daniel Michael Wachs (Idaho National Laboratory), Kevan D. Weaver (Idaho National Laboratory), Nicolas Eric Woolstenhulme (Idaho National Laboratory)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 1825-1828
Transient Testing of Natural Circulation Flow in Cartridge Experiments
Daniel C. Sweeney (Oak Ridge National Laboratory), Christian M. Petrie (Oak Ridge National Laboratory), Richard H. Howard (Oak Ridge National Laboratory), David Felde (Oak Ridge National Laboratory), Joel L. McDuffee (Oak Ridge National Laboratory)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 1829-1832
Designing a High Temperature and Radiation Resistant Magnetic Pump Coupler
Matthew T. Weathered (Argonne National Laboratory)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 1833-1836
Investigation of the Near Wake of a Sphere Using Time-Resolved Stereoscopic Particle Image Velocimetry
Robert Muyshondt (Texas A&M University), Duy-Thien Nguyen (Texas A&M University), Yassin A. Hassan (Texas A&M University), N.K. Anand (Texas A&M University)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 1837-1840
Behavior of a Scaled Water-Cooled Reactor Cavity Cooling System under Hypothetical Accident Conditions
Rodolfo Vaghetto (Texas A&M University), Se Ro Yang (Texas A&M University), Demarkus Hodge (Texas A&M University), Yassin A. Hassan (Texas A&M University)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 1843-1846
Experimental investigation of cross-flow vortex structures in the wake region of a sphere using time-resolved PIV and POD analysis
Duy-Thien Nguyen (Texas A&M University), Robert Muyshondt (Texas A&M University), Yassin A. Hassan (Texas A&M University), N.K. Anand (Texas A&M University)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 1847-1850
Redevelopment of Vanadium Wire Sodium Oxygen Measurement Technique and Correlation to Plugging Meter for VTR Applications
Andrew Charles Napora (University of Wisconsin - Madison), Jordan Rein (University of Wisconsin-Madison), Jacob Larson (University of Wisconsin-Madison), Matthew T. Weathered (Argonne National Laboratory), Mark Anderson (University of Wisconsin-Madison)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 1851-1854
Preliminary Design Optimization Study of Heat Pipe for Space Reactor Application
Ye Yeong Park (UNIST), In Cheol Bang* (Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 1855-1856
Designing an Experimental Tool to Protect using HWA Between Pebbles Inside The PBR
Muhna N Alshammari (Missouri University of Science and Technology), Muthanna Al H. Dahhan (Missouri University of Science and Technology)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 1857-1860
Flow Rate Estimation from Transient Temperature Response of a Forced Convection Molten Salt Test Facility
Ojasvin Arora (Texas A&M University), Se Ro Yang (Texas A&M University), Rodolfo Vaghetto (Texas A&M University), Yassin A. Hassan (Texas A&M University)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 1863-1866
Investigating the validity of the Boussinesq approximation on natural circulation of molten salt with internal heat source using OpenFOAM
DongHun Lee (Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology), In Cheol Bang (Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 1867-1870
Molten Salt Air-Cooled Heat Exchanger Fluid Dynamics
Nolan Goth (ORNL), Marilyn Delgado (Texas A&M University College Station), Trevor Kent Howard (Oak Ridge National Laboratory), Kevin R. Robb (Oak Ridge National Laboratory)
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 1871-1874
Restoring U.S. Global Nuclear Competitiveness
Nicolas E. Stauff
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 1877-1877
Policy: Barriers to Rapid Deep Decarbonization with Nuclear and Strategies for Overcoming Them
Eric G. Meyer
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 1878-1878
Communications: Pitch your Ph.D.
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 1879-1879
Professional Development: ANS Congressional Fellowship
Harsh S. Desai
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 1880-1880
Research and Test Reactor Pandemic Response
Hilary Lane
Transactions | Volume 123 | Number 1 | November 2020 | Pages 1881-1881