Radwaste Solutions on the Newswire

Los Alamos begins project to remove historic facility

Work has started at the Department of Energy’s Los Alamos National Laboratory in New Mexico to deactivate, decommission, and remove the Ion Beam Facility, which played a role in research and experiments that helped develop the nation’s nuclear arsenal during the 1950s and 1960s.

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U.K. narrows focus of disposal facility to three potential sites

The U.K. government’s Nuclear Waste Services said it has identified three “areas of focus” in its search to find a suitable site and a willing community to host a geologic disposal facility (GDF) for the country’s most hazardous radioactive waste. The areas are within three communities currently involved in the siting process—Mid Copeland and South Copeland in Cumbria, and East Lincolnshire, England.

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WM Symposia announces WM2025 award winners

WM Symposia, the nonprofit organization dedicated to providing education and information exchange on global radioactive waste management, has announced its WM2025 award winners. Each year, WM Symposia and its supporters recognize and present awards to several individuals based on their contributions in radioactive waste and radioactive material management.

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James Shuler receives 2025 WM Lifetime Achievement Award


WM Symposia, which hosts the annual Waste Management Conference in Phoenix, Ariz., presented the 2025 WM Lifetime Achievement Award to James M. Shuler, a former Department of Energy manager with a career of more than 50 years in radwaste packaging and transportation.

The award recognizes the long-term commitment of the recipient to solving major nuclear waste challenges, which may include education, research, public policy, or implementation of solutions for managing nuclear wastes, and whose actions have contributed to the resolution of significant nuclear waste management issues.

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Supreme Court urged to uphold ruling against Texas SNF storage site

A flurry of amicus briefs from states, politicians, and special interest groups were filed with the U.S. Supreme Court this week, urging the court to uphold a 5th Circuit Court of Appeals ruling that invalidated Interim Storage Partners' license for a consolidated interim storage facility for commercial spent nuclear fuel in Andrews County, Texas.

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Sweden begins construction of spent fuel repository

The Swedish Nuclear Fuel and Waste Management Company (Svensk Kärnbränslehantering AB, or SKB) broke ground on its spent nuclear fuel repository near the Forsmark nuclear power plant on January 15. SKB, which is owned by Sweden’s nuclear power plants, expects the final repository will be ready for disposal in the 2030s, and will be fully extended in the 2080s.

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