The National Nuclear Security Administration's Office of Defense Nuclear Nonproliferation initiated the Nonproliferation Stewardship Program (NSP) in 2020 to provide an enduring pipeline of nonproliferation subject matter experts to the DOE/NNSA laboratories. This program provides nonproliferation-relevant science & technology opportunities through modernized facility infrastructure. This session provides an overview of the NSP, highlights on-going efforts in uranium and plutonium processing and describes examples of hands-on experimental work and associated modeling and simulation.


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The Nonproliferation Stewardship Program

1:00–1:10PM EST

Michael C. Miller (INL)

Futures Group: Workshops and Analyses to Support NSP

1:10–1:20PM EST

Heather Dion (LANL)

Uranium Science and Technology Center: Experimental Uranium Chemistry

1:20–1:30PM EST

Randy Ngelale (ORNL)

Uranium Science and Technology Center: Uranium Modeling & Simulation

1:30–1:40PM EST

Ashley Shields (ORNL)

Athena: Stewarding Capabilities for Nonproliferation in Irradiated Fuel Processing

1:40–1:50PM EST

Brienne Seiner (PNNL)

The AMUSE Code and its Application to Nonproliferation

1:50–2:00PM EST

Laura E. Maggos (ANL)

Simulating Processing of Actinides and Developing Expertise (SPADE)

2:00–2:10PM EST

Lawrence Banks (LLNL)


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