Wondering how to develop strong mentor/mentee relationships to build a community and elevate your career?

As a mentee, a mentoring relationship can help you figure out which career path is best for you and how to achieve it, find people to advocate for you, and grow your career effectively. As a mentor, the same relationship can be incredibly rewarding and provide additional meaning to your work in knowing that you contribute to the future success of the industry. It can also help you stay up to date with the latest developments in the field. Building lasting mentoring relationships, however, can seem daunting and challenging. It shouldn’t be! Join this panel discussion to learn how to develop effective mentoring relationships that are mutually beneficial, last years on end, and fit your style. This panel will bring together mentors and mentees from academia, industry, and U.S. national laboratories to answer questions and share their stories and advice. Join the discussion, and start building stronger mentoring relationships!


  • Harsh S. Desai (Zeno Power)
  • Lauren Garrison (Commonwealth Fusion Systems)
  • Tony Huff (INL)
  • Lisa Marshall (NCSU)


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