Presentations in the Session include: * The DIII-D National Fusion Facility: Next Steps on the Reactor Path * Testing in the CHIMERA Fusion Technology Facility * Overview of the HIT-SI3 and HIT-SIU Experiments: Spheromaks Sustained with Steady, Inductive Helicity Injection (SIHI) * Preparations for DT Operations at SHINE Technologies


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The DIII-D National Fusion Facility: Next Steps on the Reactor Path

Adrianus Sips (General Atomics)

Testing in the CHIMERA Fusion Technology Facility

Tom Barrett (UK Atomic Energy Authority), Martin Bamford (UK Atomic Energy Authority), Ben Chuilon (UK Atomic Energy Authority), Tom Deighan (UK Atomic Energy Authority), Petros Efthymiou (UK Atomic Energy Authority), Tom Grant (UK Atomic Energy Authority), David Horsley (UK Atomic Energy Authority), Damon Johnstone (UK Atomic Energy Authority), Michael Kovari (UK Atomic Energy Authority), Michelle Tindall (UK Atomic Energy Authority)

Overview of the HIT-SI3 and HIT-SIU Experiments: Spheromaks Sustained with Steady, Inductive Helicity Injection (SIHI)

Derek A. Sutherland (CTFusion), Aaron Hossack (Univ. Washington), K. D. Morgan (Univ. Washington), C.J. Hansen (Univ. Washington)

Preparations for DT Operations at SHINE Technologies

Cody Fagan (SHINE Technologies), CR Shmayda (Torion Plasma Corporation), Walter T. Shmayda (Univ. Rochester)


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