ANS is committed to advancing, fostering, and promoting the development and application of nuclear sciences and technologies to benefit society.
Explore the many uses for nuclear science and its impact on energy, the environment, healthcare, food, and more.
Division Spotlight
Thermal Hydraulics
The division provides a forum for focused technical dialogue on thermal hydraulic technology in the nuclear industry. Specifically, this will include heat transfer and fluid mechanics involved in the utilization of nuclear energy. It is intended to attract the highest quality of theoretical and experimental work to ANS, including research on basic phenomena and application to nuclear system design.
Meeting Spotlight
Conference on Nuclear Training and Education: A Biennial International Forum (CONTE 2025)
February 3–6, 2025
Amelia Island, FL|Omni Amelia Island Resort
Standards Program
The Standards Committee is responsible for the development and maintenance of voluntary consensus standards that address the design, analysis, and operation of components, systems, and facilities related to the application of nuclear science and technology. Find out What’s New, check out the Standards Store, or Get Involved today!
Latest Magazine Issues
Jan 2025
Jul 2024
Latest Journal Issues
Nuclear Science and Engineering
February 2025
Nuclear Technology
Fusion Science and Technology
Latest News
A series of firsts delivers new Plant Vogtle units
Southern Nuclear was first when no one wanted to be.
The nuclear subsidiary of the century-old utility Southern Company, based in Atlanta, Ga., joined a pack of nuclear companies in the early 2000s—during what was then dubbed a “nuclear renaissance”—bullish on plans for new large nuclear facilities and adding thousands of new carbon-free megawatts to the grid.
In 2008, Southern Nuclear applied for a combined construction and operating license (COL), positioning the company to receive the first such license from the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission in 2012. Also in 2008, Southern became the first U.S. company to sign an engineering, procurement, and construction contract for a Generation III+ reactor. Southern chose Westinghouse’s AP1000 pressurized water reactor, which was certified by the NRC in December 2011.
Fast forward a dozen years—which saw dozens of setbacks and hundreds of successes—and Southern Nuclear and its stakeholders celebrated the completion of Vogtle Units 3 and 4: the first new commercial nuclear power construction project completed in the U.S. in more than 30 years.
Nuclear Criticality Safety Division Topical Meeting (NCSD 2022)
Technical Session
Wednesday, June 15, 2022|3:15–5:00PM PDT|El Capitan A
Session Chairs:
Nicolas Leclaire (IRSN)
David E. Ames (SNL)
Session Organizer:
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The OECD/NEA Working Party on Nuclear Criticality Safety: Recent Outcome, Work in Progress and Outlook
Julie-Fiona Martin (OECD NEA), Tatiana Ivanova (OECD NEA), Alexander Vasiliev (PSI), Dimitri Rochman (PSI), John Bess (JFoster & Assoc.), Forrest Brown (Univ. New Mexico), Coralie Carmouze (CEA), Isabelle Duhamel (IRSN), Raphaelle Ichou (IRSN), Sonny Gan (Sellafield), Anthony R. Wilson (Sellafield), Alex Hoefer (Framatome ), Germina Ilas (ORNL), Will Wieselquist (ORNL), George McKenzie (LANL), Catherine Percher (LLNL), Maik Stuke (BGZ), Andrea Zoia (Univ. Paris-Saclay)
Developing a High-Fidelity Benchmark of the University of New Mexico’s AGN-201M Reactor
Rowdy Davis (Univ. New Mexico), Christopher M. Perfetti (Univ. New Mexico), Forrest B. Brown (Univ. New Mexico), Robert D. Busch (Univ. New Mexico), Carl Willis (Univ. New Mexico), Larry L. Wetzel (LL Wetzel), Shawn J. Henderson (Sandia )
New Integral Benchmark Data in the ICSBEP and IRPhEP Handbooks Since NCSD 2017
John D. Bess (JFoster & Assoc.), Tatiana Ivanova (OECD NEA), Julie-Fiona Martin (OECD NEA), Ian Hill (OECD NEA), Lori Scott (INL)
Evaluation of Oak Ridge National Laboratory Health Physics Research Reactor Operation Data for Critical Benchmark Creation
Mathieu N. Dupont (ORNL)
New Pulsed Neutron Die-Away Experiments in Light Water
D. Siefman (LLNL), W. Zywiec (LLNL), C. Percher (LLNL), D. Heinrichs (LLNL)
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