Presented in partnership with Sara Eskandari and Gabrielle Hoelzle at the University of Michigan, participants will be able to virtually explore fission and fusion facilities developed by Penn State and Michigan researchers through the Penn State Center for Immersive Experiences. Participants will also engage with STAND, a software tool developed at the University of Michigan to apply different criteria for placing a hypothetical advanced reactor in the US. Participants will then give short pitches on why their sites would be perfect for an advanced reactor! Attendees should bring a laptop or internet capable device and request access to the University of Michigan’s FPTZ system.


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Sara Eskandari

Mx. Sara Eskandari is an XR software developer & adjunct lecturer at the University of Michigan. They specialize in developing VR/AR/MR apps for research, medical, and educational use. Graduated from University of Michigan's STAMPS School of Art & Design with a minor in Computer Science, Dari has spent time working as a programmer for games such as Heart Shaped Games's We are the Caretakers, and lead artist for Chess Heroes Inc's Chess Heroes and 3615 Theatre's Dark City. A passionate interdisciplinary developer and designer, Dari works to increase the accessibility of new technologies to their students while discussing the rapid and undulating effects of immersive technologies on daily life and entrepreneurial pursuits including products, pitches, and production pipelines.

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Gabrielle Hoelzle

Ms. Gabrielle Hoelzle is a senior technical project manager and former lead data scientist at the Fastest Path to Zero Initiative (FPTZ) at the University of Michigan’s Department of Nuclear Engineering and Radiological Sciences. She led the development of a series of web applications supporting the rapid and equitable deployment of advanced nuclear reactors in the U.S. and internationally.


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