Want to learn about Monte Carlo methods and how to use a powerful, open-source software? Join our PSU students and Dr. April Novak (ANL/UIUC) for a workshop that will take attendees step-by-step through how to use/work with the OpenMC software. By the end of the workshop, all attendees should be able to: understand OpenMC’s capabilities, understand what the Monte Carlo method is, and model a pin cell and BWR example. All attendees are expected to bring their personal computers. No prior experience with using the software is required!


Speaker photo

April Novak

Dr. April Novak is an Assistant Professor of Nuclear, Plasma, and Radiological Engineering at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. Before joining the faculty at UIUC, she was a Maria Goeppert-Mayer Fellow at Argonne National Laboratory. She received her Ph.D. from the University of California, Berkeley in 2020. Her research focuses on multiphysics methods and applications, multiscale thermal hydraulics, Monte Carlo transport methods, reactor design and analysis, and high-performance computing.


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