February 3, 2025Application process opens
June 6, 2025Applications and all required materials are due to ANS no later than the deadline date by 11:59 p.m. EST
June 2025First round of virtual interviews scheduled and conducted
June 2025Finalists notified and second round of virtual interviews conducted
July 2025Final selections made for 2026 Congressional Fellowships
September 2025AAAS Fellowship orientation in Washington, D.C.
November 9 - 12, 2025ANS Winter Meeting in Washington, DC (not mandatory for 2026 Fellows to attend, but recommended)
January 1, 2026Fellows begin term in Washington, D.C.

"I am very grateful to the American Nuclear Society for this immense opportunity. It has been an amazing journey and a life changing experience to be advising Senator Feinstein on nuclear issues, as part of the energy, transportation, and climate change portfolios. The ANS Congressional Fellowship provides great opportunities for a nuclear professional to participate in federal policymaking and experience firsthand the intersections between federal and state policy, theoretical science, and engineered technology. The ability to understand the role policy plays in the nuclear industry is essential for future leaders."

Harsh Desai
2014 Congressional Fellow
Served in the office of Senator Dianne Feinstein in Washington, D.C.

Stipend and Travel Allowance

The Fellowship program compensates the Fellow with an $80,000 annual stipend, payable in monthly installments over 12 months, plus up to $8,000 in travel reimbursement for expenses related to attending the AAAS orientation in September prior to the official start date, and the two ANS National Meetings in June and November of the Fellowship year. Any expenses above these are the responsibility of the Fellow. ANS also agrees to pay up to $1,000 towards out-of-pocket health insurance premiums not covered by AAAS or other programs during the year long Fellowship.

Criteria for ANS Congressional Fellow Consideration

  • Must be a U.S. citizen;
  • Must be an ANS member for a minimum of two years prior to application deadline;
  • May not be a federal government employee at the start of the Fellowship.

Must fulfill one of the following at minimum before Fellowship start date of January 1:

  • a Ph.D. from an accredited program in the field of applicable sciences, or a field of engineering; in a nuclear-related discipline and at least one year of relevant experience;
  • a master's degree in engineering from an accredited program with three years of professional engineering-related experience (either pre- or post- master's degree)
  • Any flexibilities in the selection criteria is at the sole discretion of the Committee.

To apply for the ANS Congressional Fellowship you must submit the following information in a Word, PDF or other compatible format to fellow@ans.org before the stated deadline:

  • Your Name
  • Mailing Address
  • Email Address
  • Day and evening phone numbers
  • Maximum two-page academic and professional summary
  • Maximum two-page statement of why you are applying, what you hope to accomplish, and how the Fellowship will benefit you and your employer
  • One or two letters of reference

"It was a great and unique opportunity for me. The legislation I was working on (in the office of U.S. Senator Chuck Hagel (R-NE) - the Energy Policy Act of 2005 - was passed into law."

Eric P. Loewen, Ph.D. (left), ANS Past President, 2005 ANS Congressional Fellow with U.S. Senator Chuck Hagel [R-NE]

Selection Process

After an application review, the selection committee invites finalist candidates for virtual and/or in-person interviews either during or before the ANS Annual Meeting in June.

  • competence in nuclear science and technology
  • a demonstrated ability to participate in public policy discussions
  • a demonstrated ability in written and oral communications
  • contributions to ANS

Selection Criteria:

  • competence in nuclear science and technology
  • a demonstrated ability to participate in public policy discussions
  • a demonstrated ability in written and oral communications
  • contributions to ANS


  • Attend a two-week AAAS orientation session in Washington, D.C., the fall prior to start of official term.
  • Seek placement in a congressional office or committee, and begin his/her assignment in January.
  • Be responsible to the congressional office or committee where situated, in accordance with the guidelines of the AAAS Congressional Fellowship Program. Conflict-of-interest issues and supplements to the ANS stipend will be arranged with the congressional office where the Fellow is placed, and in accordance with congressional rules of ethics.
  • Write status reports on a quarterly basis to the ANS staff liaison and to the chair of the ANS Special Committee for the Congressional Fellowship, as well as keeping the Board of Directors informed periodically.
  • Consider serving one year on the ANS Special Committee for the Congressional Fellowship after completion of the Fellowship year.
  • Consult with the staff liaison and the chair of the ANS Special Committee for the Congressional Fellowship if any changes arise during the Fellowship, including but not limited to such issues as a proposed change in placement, or the need to terminate the Fellowship.
  • Perform full duties with utmost professionalism and expectation that the Fellowship will provide a unique learning experience in public policy and the decision-making process in Congress.

For additional information, please contact: fellow@ans.org.

ANS Congressional Fellows

2025Mike Woosley
Jacob Christensen
2024Emily Caffrey
William Murray
2023Sarah Stevenson
Joseph Orellana
2022Matthew J. Marzano
2021Patrick Snouffer
2020Bradley J. Williams
2019Alyse M. Huffman
2018Charles "Chip" Martin
2017Levi W. Patterson
2016Benjamin Reinke
2015Jeremy Pearson
2014Harsh S. Desai
2013Vincent J. Esposito
2012Chad J. Boyer
2011Erin Alexander
2010Sarah G. Leversee
2009Matthew D. Milazzo
2007David B. Barber
2006Robert J. Finch
2005Eric P. Loewen
2004Mario Robles, Jr.
2003Timothy E. Valentine
2002John F. Kotek
2001Howard C. Shaffer, III
2000Joseph A. Green

Last modified September 18, 2024, 3:12pm CDT