Nomination Deadline

August 1

Presented at the

Winter Conference

Monetary Award



The Theos J. (Tommy) Thompson Award to recognize outstanding lifetime contributions to the field of nuclear reactor safety.

Nominees need not be ANS members.

The award consists of a plaque and a $1,000 monetary award which is presented by the chair of NISD during the ANS Winter Conference each year.


This award was established by the Nuclear Installations Safety Division (formerly the Nuclear Reactor Safety Division) in 1980 as a memorial award to the late Professor Theos J. (Tommy) Thompson of MIT, who made outstanding contributions to nuclear reactor safety, including being the principal author of a pioneering textbook on the subject. This award is funded by the operating budget of NISD.

Selection Method

The NISD Honors and Awards Committee administers this award. That committee establishes the evaluation criteria, solicits the nominations, and determines the recipient. The award is made to individuals selected by the NISD Honors and Awards Committee in recognition of outstanding contributions in the field of nuclear reactor safety. The ANS Honors and Awards Committee is available for consultation and review as appropriate.

Nominations must include the completed nomination form accompanied by the following supporting documents:

  • A letter of recommendation from the nominator
  • A narrative summary of about 1,000 words, including accomplishments, period of activity, and significance of achievements
  • A list of publications (if applicable)
  • A brief chronological resume
  • Letters of support (support letters recommended but not required; no more than five)

Nomination forms and supporting documents (in Word or Adobe Acrobat) should be emailed to

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