Intent and Report Deadline

July 1, 2024

Presented at the

Winter Conference

Travel Assistance


(for each team)


The Student Design Competition Award promotes excellence in the design aspects of nuclear engineering education at universities.

Any university is eligible to submit solutions to nuclear engineering design problems, but participants must have a university affiliation and a faculty member as an advisor. Each university must review solutions by its students and select the best from each category (Graduate and Undergraduate) for submission. Four finalist teams will be selected for presentation at the ANS Winter Meeting. Graduate and undergraduate teams will be evaluated in the same competition. A maximum of two Graduate Finalist teams will be selected.

The names of the finalists and their schools are announced prior to the ANS Winter Conference.

Certificates are presented to each finalist in the undergraduate and graduate categories. Travel assistance (up to $1,000 per school) is provided to students to attend the ANS Winter Conference for the competition.


The Education, Training, and Workforce Development Division established this competition in 1975 to promote excellence in the design aspect of nuclear engineering education at universities. A key feature of the program is industry participation in the judging of the annual design problem.

Selection Method

This award is administered by the Education, Training, and Workforce Development Division (ETWDD) who establishes the evaluation criteria and determines the recipients.

A call for submission of nuclear engineering-related design problems is issued in February, the intent to participate, and the actual reports must be submitted by the published deadline. The final judging to select the top two design projects in both the Undergraduate and Graduate categories is completed in September. These four project teams are then invited to make presentations at the ANS Winter Conference for final judging.

The national Honors and Awards Committee is available for consultation and review of criteria and procedures as appropriate.

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