Nomination Deadline

August 1

Presented at the

Winter Conference

Monetary Award



The Radiation Science and Technology Award recognizes meritorious research or basic development from which there is a particularly significant industrial application. The work may have been performed at any time in the past; it must have been fully published in an established scientific journal, and the results of the efforts must have been practically established although not necessarily in widespread use at the time the award is given. The award will be presented to an individual who is determined to have made the most outstanding creative application of radiation sciences and engineering principles.

Nominees need not be ANS members, and any ANS member can nominate a worthy candidate.

This award consists of a plaque and a monetary award of $2,000. The award is presented during the ANS Winter Conference.


This award was established by the Isotope and Radiation Division (IRD) in 1967.

Selection Method

Nominations must include the completed nomination form accompanied by the following supporting documents:

  • A letter of recommendation from the nominator
  • A narrative summary of about 1,000 words, including accomplishments, period of activity, and significance of achievements
  • A list of publications or other supporting evidence of accomplishments
  • A brief chronological resume
  • Letters of support recommended but not required (no more than five)

Nomination forms and supporting documents (in Word or Adobe Acrobat) should be emailed to

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