Nomination Deadline

March 1

Presented at the

Annual Conference


The Don Miller Award recognizes outstanding engineering, research and development, licensing or project achievements in the fields of nuclear instrumentation, control and human-machine interface technology from around the world, as exemplified by Don Miller.

The award is given to an individual or team who has made recognized contributions to the advancement of one or both of the fields of nuclear instrumentation and control or human- machine interface through individual or combined activities.

The award consists of an engraved plaque to be presented at the ANS Annual Conference. There is no monetary award. The plaque is to be paid for by the ANS HFICD. No funding for travel reimbursement or meeting attendance is anticipated.


This award was established by the ANS Human Factors, Instrumentation & Control Division (HFICD) in 2009. It is named after Dr. Don W. Miller, Professor and Distinguished Program Chair at the Ohio State University Nuclear Engineering Program, a prior member of the Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards, and past ANS President.

Selection Method

The award recipients are selected by consensus of the HFICD executive committee from the pool of proposed and eligible candidates.

Nominations must include the completed nomination form accompanied by the following supporting documents:

  • A letter of recommendation from the nominator
  • A narrative summary of about 1,000 words, including accomplishments, period of activity, and significance of achievements
  • A list of publications or other supporting evidence of accomplishments
  • A brief chronological resume
  • Letters of support recommended but not required (no more than five)

Nomination forms and supporting documents (in Word or Adobe Acrobat) should be emailed to

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