Nomination Deadline

March 1

Presented at the

Annual Conference

Monetary Award


$2,000 to recipient, and $2,000 to recipient's academic institution


The Arthur Holly Compton Award in Education recognizes an individual who has made an outstanding contribution to education in the field of science and engineering germane to the interests of the Society. Nominees need not be ANS members and may be from any profession.

The award consists of an engraved plaque and a monetary award of $2,000 to the recipient and $2,000 to the recipient’s academic institution. It is presented at and ETWDD function the ANS Annual Conference.


This award was established by the Education and Training & Workforce Development Division in 1966 in recognition of the late Dr. Arthur Holly Compton, scientist, teacher, national leader, and Nobel Laureate. It was made possible through a $25,000 contribution by Mrs. Edward Mallinckrodt and George E. Mallinckrodt.

Selection Method

The ETWDD Honors and Awards Committee administers this award. That committee establishes the detailed evaluation criteria, solicits the nominations, and determines the recipient. The national Honors and Awards Committee is available for consultation and review of criteria and procedures as appropriate.

General criteria in selecting the nominee for the award include the following:

  • Scholarly research and contributions.
  • Effectiveness as a teacher.
  • Development of national programs.
  • Contributions to national educational activities.

Nominations are valid for three years from the date of submittal, but are only resubmitted if the nominator sends an addendum updating the original nomination or sends a letter requesting that their candidate be reentered on the next ballot.

Nominations must include the completed nomination form accompanied by the following supporting documents:

  • A letter of recommendation from the nominator
  • A narrative summary of about 1,000 words, including accomplishments, period of activity, and significance of achievements
  • A list of publications (if applicable)
  • A brief chronological resume
  • Letters of support (support letters recommended but not required; no more than five)

Nomination forms and supporting documents (in Word or Adobe Acrobat) should be emailed to

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