The current emergency operating procedures (EOPs) for a three-loop pressurized water reactor on steam generator tube rupture (SGTR) incident are experimentally evaluated at the Institute of Nuclear Energy Research Integral System Test Facility. The focus is on the adequacy of EOPs to limit primary-to-secondary leakage with particular emphasis on the number of ruptured U-tubes on the severity of an incident and the response time available for operator actions. By comparing test data with plant records of a Mihama-2 SGTR event, the key thermal-hydraulic phenomena during SGTR transients can be successfully simulated. The test results indicated that the current EOPs can function well in terminating the break flow and maintaining adequate core cooling. However, the effectiveness in minimizing the radioactive release demands an early and substantial operator involvement. To mitigate the consequences of such an event, the timing to isolate the faulted steam generator (SG) and to terminate safety injection flow will be critical. Furthermore, to avoid overfilling, the water level in the faulted SG needs to be drained prior to the implementation of the cooldown process.