WSJ highlights current workforce challenges; signs are hopeful

September 16, 2024, 9:36AMANS Nuclear Cafe

A new article in the Wall Street Journal focuses on the problematic confluence of three developments: a declining number of young people pursuing nuclear engineering, an aging nuclear workforce with many workers on the verge of retirement, and a growing demand for nuclear energy. Reporter Yusuf Khan, who specializes in sustainability-related issues, examines the nuclear industry’s “image problem” and also the roles of climate change concerns, advanced nuclear technologies, artificial intelligence, and workforce diversification in bringing hope for a reinvigorated industry.

Russian invasion taking its toll on Ukrainian nuclear workers

March 8, 2022, 7:00AMNuclear News

The events of the past 12 days are unprecedented and nerve-wracking for the nuclear community. Never before has a nuclear power plant been in a full-scale war zone until the Russian invasion of Ukraine started on February 24. The world watched nervously as Russian troops and heavy equipment rolled through the Chernobyl site and then a week later attacked the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant. Russian forces are now less than 50 kilometers from the South Ukraine nuclear power plant.