Welcome to the ANS online Buyers Guide database, which includes content published in both the Nuclear News and Radwaste Solutions annual print directories. Find the right company, partner, or people for your next project. More than 600 companies are cataloged under thousands of nuclear-related products and services.

Basic listings remain free of charge: to join the supplier database or make changes to an existing profile, go to Buyers Guide listings.

Become a Featured Supplier* and receive the following benefits: company name appears at the top of category search results, image of print ad displayed online, identified as featured supplier (with enhanced print and online listings).

*Companies must purchase a print ad in the Nuclear News and/or Radwaste Solutions Buyers Guide to activate the featured supplier upgrades. Contact the main ad office if you missed the print deadline, but still want to upgrade your online listing now.

Sneak Preview: for a limited time, view the recently published 55th annual Nuclear News Buyers Guide!


Supplier Profile

Numerical Advisory Solutions, LLC

200 Regency Forest Dr.

Ste. 330

Cary, NC 27518

Certifications: ASME NQA-1, 10CFR50 App. B



Computer & Cyber Security

Computer Services:

Computer Software:

Construction/Engineering Services:


Cyber Security

Data Acquisition/Handling Systems:

Decommissioning Services:

Drafting Services:

Employment/Personnel Support Services:

Fire Protection Services

Fire Protection, Passive:

Inspection Services:

Laser Scanning for Dimensional Measurement

Piping Systems:

Radiation Monitoring Services:

Records Management Systems:

Security Services: