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Alessandro del Nevo

Argonne National Laboratory

Alessandro DEL NEVO, PhD at University of Pisa. He worked at University of Pisa (2003-2010) and, then, at the Experimental Engineering Division of ENEA (R.C. Brasimone). Since 2015, he is the Head of Systems and Components Design Laboratory. He exploits his technical skills in the fields of thermal-hydraulics: code model development, validation and application; design of systems and components; design of experimental facilities, test sections and experiments; and conduction and analysis of experiments. He has been actively involved in NEA/CSNI and NEA/NSC initiatives and IAEA projects. Since 2003, he contributes to EU funded and service contracts, and he worked for the licensing of CNA-2 NPP (2007-2010). Since 2013, he is passionate about Nuclear Fusion Technology design and R&D through the participation in the EUROfusion Project: leader of the WCLL Breeding Blanket design (2014-2020); ENEA responsible of the WP Balance of Plant (2014-2020); responsible of the heavy liquid metals/water interaction activities (2013-2020); and since 2021 Deputy Project Leader and ENEA responsible of the WP Breeding Blanket. He also contributes to Nuclear Training Activities. He is co-author of 122 publications in International Journals.


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