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High Temperature Structures, Oxidation, and Thermodynamics of Uranium Nitride and Uranium Carbide

10:00–10:40AM CST

Xiaofeng Guo (Washington State), Vitaliy Goncharov (Washington State), Juejing Liu (Washington State), Arjen van Veelen (LANL), Emma Carlsen (Washington State), Sam Karcher (Washington State), John McCloy (Washington State), Hongwu Xu (LANL), Joshua White (LANL)

Irradiation-Enhanced Diffusion in Advanced Ceramic Nuclear Fuels

10:40–11:20AM CST

M.W.D. Cooper (LANL), A. Schneider (LANL), C. Matthews (LANL), V. Kocevski (LANL), J. Rizk (LANL), D.A. Andersson (LANL)

Contact Angle of Molten Fluoride Salts on Graphite: A Parametric Study

11:20–11:40AM CST

L. Vergari (Univ. California, Berkeley), Z. Falkowski (Univ. California, Berkeley), M. Dennis (Univ. California, Berkeley), R. O. Scarlat (Univ. California, Berkeley)


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