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Hydrogen Trapping at Microstructural Features in Irradiated Zr Alloys -- A Combined Experimental and Modelling Study

8:00–8:20AM CST

Vidur Tuli (Univ. New South Wales), Lucia Chen (Univ. New South Wales), Benjamin M. Jenkins (Univ. Rouen Normandie), Siyu Huang (Univ. Sydney), Levi Tegg (Univ. Sydney), Jack Haley (UKAEA), Baptiste Gault (Max-Planck-Institut für Eisenforschung), Ingrid McCarroll (Max-Planck-Institut für Eisenforschung), Anne Callow (National Nuclear Laboratory), Michael P. Moody (Univ. Oxford), Michael Preuss (Univ. Manchester), Christopher R.M. Grovenor (Univ. Oxford), Julie M. Cairney (Univ. Sydney), Patrick A. Burr (Univ. New South Wales)

Effects of Stress on Zirconium Hydride Precipitation and Dissolution in Cold-Worked Stress Relieved Zircaloy-4

8:20–8:40AM CST

J.B. Balog (Penn State), A.A. Waegaert (Penn State), A.T. Motta (Penn State), B.F. Kammenzind (Naval Nuclear Laboratory), J-S. Park (ANL), J.D. Almer (ANL)

Evaluation of Threshold Stress Inducing Hydride Reorientation in Zirconium Cladding Using Multiphase Field Modeling

8:40–9:00AM CST

Wooseob Shin (Kyung Hee Univ.), Kunok Chang (Kyung Hee Univ.)

Impact of Irradiation Damage and Thermomechanical Treatments on the Hydride Diffusion to the Substrate Liner Interface in Zirconium-Based Nuclear Fuel Claddings

9:00–9:20AM CST

Okan Yetik (Paul Scherrer Institute), Liliana Duarte (Paul Scherrer Institute), Pavel Trtik (Paul Scherrer Institute), Malgorzata Makowska (Paul Scherrer Institute), Cloe Schneider (Paul Scherrer Institute), Diego Sanchez (Paul Scherrer Institute), Robert Zubler (Paul Scherrer Institute), Robin Grabherr (Paul Scherrer Institute), Manuel Pouchon (Paul Scherrer Institute), Johannes Bertsch (Paul Scherrer Institute)

Multi-Component Mean-Field Model of Hydride Precipitation in Zircaloys

9:20–9:40AM CST

Connor Cladingboel (Univ. Sheffield), Claire Utton (Univ. Sheffield), Hector Basoalto (Univ. Sheffield), Magnus Anderson (Thermo-Calc Software), Susan Morgan (National Nuclear Laboratory), Anthony Brooks (National Nuclear Laboratory)


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