ANS is committed to advancing, fostering, and promoting the development and application of nuclear sciences and technologies to benefit society.
Explore the many uses for nuclear science and its impact on energy, the environment, healthcare, food, and more.
Division Spotlight
Education, Training & Workforce Development
The Education, Training & Workforce Development Division provides communication among the academic, industrial, and governmental communities through the exchange of views and information on matters related to education, training and workforce development in nuclear and radiological science, engineering, and technology. Industry leaders, education and training professionals, and interested students work together through Society-sponsored meetings and publications, to enrich their professional development, to educate the general public, and to advance nuclear and radiological science and engineering.
Meeting Spotlight
2024 ANS Winter Conference and Expo
November 17–21, 2024
Orlando, FL|Renaissance Orlando at SeaWorld
Standards Program
The Standards Committee is responsible for the development and maintenance of voluntary consensus standards that address the design, analysis, and operation of components, systems, and facilities related to the application of nuclear science and technology. Find out What’s New, check out the Standards Store, or Get Involved today!
Latest Magazine Issues
Sep 2024
Jan 2024
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Nuclear Science and Engineering
October 2024
Nuclear Technology
Fusion Science and Technology
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N.S. Savannah and the American Nuclear Society
The American Nuclear Society was formed in 1954 in the wake of President Eisenhower’s seminal Atoms for Peace speech. Around the same time that Congress was debating the Atomic Energy Act and John Landis was helping establish ANS, the National Security Council began deliberating about adding a nuclear-Âpowered merchant ship to the nascent Atoms for Peace program. We like to imagine that the idea germinated after Mamie Eisenhower christened the U.S.S. Nautilus, but the truth seems much drier. Regardless, Ike championed the project and announced it to a surprised crowd in an April 1955 speech in New York City at the Waldorf Astoria Hotel. Landis would become the principal architect of the ship’s nuclear power plant. Although Savannah’s reactor now rests in the low-level radwaste repository in Clive, Utah, the ship’s prospects are as bright as the future of ANS itself.
Thank you to the following donors who each have contributed $5,000 or more to the American Nuclear Society throughout the years. Your invaluable support helps sustain our service to ANS members and the nuclear community.
Wayne L. Andrews, Jr.
Steven A. Arndt
Andrew S. Barritt
James W. Behrens
Edgar Berkey
Rita C. Bowser
Margaret S.Y. Chu
Joe F. Colvin
Eugene N. Cramer
Patrick F. Ervin
Vincent J. Esposito
Carl & Kathy Esposito Family
Marvin S. Fertel
Abel A. Garcia
Tsahi Gozani
Eugene S. Grecheck
Theresa Hamlin
H.M. Hashemian
David K. Hayes
Donald R. Hoffman
Ian B. Wall
Sushil C. Jain
W. Reed Johnson
Warren E. Keene
Hugh Kendrick
Andrew C. Klein
John Landis
Harry Lawroski
Michael J. Lineberry
John R. Longenecker
Gail H. Marcus
Thomas P. McLaughlin
Thomas E. Mistler
Sherry A. Mitchell
Toshio Morita
R. Don Mothena
William L. Myers
William F. Naughton
E. Gail de Planque
Edward L. Quinn
Joseph J. Ruggiero
Stephen P. Schultz
Sarita Sehgal
William T. Sha
Arkal S. Shenoy
Rachel N. Slaybaugh
Kurt M. Taylor
Roger W. Tilbrook
Beverly Ann Tyreman
Valerie L. Putman
Alan E. Waltar
John C. Williams
Brian N. Woolweber
Loyd A. Wright
Natalie Ann Yonker
Thank you to the following donors whose support helps further the Society’s mission to advance, foster, and spur the development and application of nuclear science, engineering, and technology to benefit society.
Jacob Anderson
Carol Berrigan
Jeffrey Buczek
Terri Cameron
Richard Gillem
William Myers
Laura Scheele
Loren Schmid
Stephen P Schultz*
Ting-Leung Sham
Ralph Cerbone
Heather J. M. Chichester*
Daniel Churchman
Frank Dennis Coon, III*
J. Stephen Herring
Angelina Howard
Eric Jackson
William Kennedy
Wayne Kleppe
Donald Lincoln
Greg Mason
Natalie McIntosh
John Miller
W. David Pointer
Nancy Ranek
Gary Zeigler
Ron Adamson
Georgette Alexander-Morrison
Stephen Bajorek
Ann Tyson Campbell
William Campbell
Stylianos Chatzidakis
David Costa
Samuel Dechter
Roger Dilmore
Michael Dunn
Jan Van Erp
Louise Evans
Robert Ferguson
R. Arthur Forster
Tanya Hamilton
Ann Hansen
Sterling Harrison
Joe Hough
Richard Hyland
Hank Jenkins-Smith
Dale Knutson
Robert Little
Robert Maurer
Donald Moen
Theodore Nichols
Marvin Raber
Ronald Reder
Jeannie Rinckel
Ross Robinson
Wayne Romberg
Sagid Salah
Kenneth Schultz
Mike Singh
David Stahl
Victor Sterner
Howell Stroup
Ronald Suarez
Justin Thomas
Nick W. Touran
Nicholas Tsoulfanidis
Roger Williams
David Wilson
Serkan Yilmaz
Kelly Aldrich
Edward Armstrong
John Barry
Evaristo Bonano
Joseph Braun
Sacit Cetiner
Stephen Cook
Gabriel Cuevas-Vivas
Pratap Doshi
Robert Duckworth
Tony Gabriel
Larry Girvin
Joseph Graf
Nicholas Gramling
Austin Green
Andrew Griffith
Kathleen Gruetzmacher
Bruce Hack
Phillip Haga
Charles Hansford
Karen Hogue
Scott Holstad
Strang Inc.
Peter Kuck
Stephen LaMont
Stanley Levinson
Mike Marcuccilli
Michael May
Thomas McComas
Elia Merzari
Gary Mignogna
Frank Miraglia
Jill Mitchell
Eben Mulder
Kenneth Naugle
Douglas Packard
Charles Pennington
Jeffrey Philbin
Vladimir Pokorny
Jeffrey Ryman
Wendell Seaborg
Volkan Seker
Kashmir Singh
E.T. Tomlinson
Nick Touran
John Wacker
William Ward
William Weeks
Jinan Yang
Michael Yates
Ernestine Kuhr
Jean-Francois Lucchini
Steven Nesbit
Kevin O'Kula
Kirk Peterman
Donald Todd
Thank you to the following donors whose contributions support the Center’s education and outreach efforts that inform, engage, and inspire audiences across the country, including educators, students and the public.
U.S. Department of Energy-DC
Carol Cise
Thank you to the following donors whose contributions help provide the financial resources needed for undergraduate and graduate students to begin or continue their academic studies within a variety of nuclear fields.
Andrew Casella
Barry Ganapol
Deokjung Lee
Matthew Marzano
Christopher Perfetti
Robert Joseph Zerr
Thank you to the following donors whose contributions to ANS help support the annual operations of the Society, furthering our mission and important work.
Thank you to the following companies that have matched their employees’ contributions to ANS in support of the Society’s work.
Thank you to the following donors for their lead support, honoring their commitment to ANS and to the nuclear field while helping to ensure the Society continues to advance nuclear science and technology.
William T. Sha — $20,000
With his lead Legacy Circle gift, William T. Sha continues his longstanding commitment to ANS. William joined the Society in 1964 and in 1984, he became an ANS Fellow, one of our highest honors. According to the Fellow nominating committee, William has “a distinguished record of achievement as the original thinker… of codes representing a quantum jump for advancing understanding of very complex physical processes.” Read more...
Jacob W. Anderson
Steven M. Baker
Sidney A. Bernsen
Sidney have been actively involved in many phases of the nuclear power program, starting in November 1952 when Sidney graduated From Purdue University with a PhD. During that period Sidney worked at Argonne National Laboratory for five years and was initially involved in the evaluation of nuclear reactors for the dual purpose of providing plutonium and power. Read more...
David L. Black
Robert D. Busch
Yoon I. Chang
ANS Fellow and member since 1972, started his career in the nuclear field at the Nuclear Assurance Corporation in 1971. He joined Argonne National Laboratory in 1974 and has been responsible for leadership of advanced reactor design and fuel cycle technology development activities in position of increasing responsibility including Read more...
John F. Conant
An ANS member for nearly 60 years, Eugene Cramer founded the Emergency Communications Center for the San Onofre Nuclear Generation Station.
H. L. (Lee) Dodds, in honor of Pietro F. Pasqua
Still finding time to educate college students about nuclear energy, longtime ANS member H.L. (Lee) Dodds takes pride in guiding his students onto prosperous careers. Read more...
Vincent J. Esposito, in honor of R.A. Dannels
A 50-year member of ANS, Vincent J. Esposito has served on the Society’s committees and divisions, and spent a year as the ANS Congressional Fellow. Read more...
Guy P. Estes
Charles Forsberg
Bruce Hallbert
Margaret E. Harding
I’ve been in the nuclear field for nearly 43 years. My involvement has spanned industry, academia, and government. I’ve spent my career working on BWR fuel and licensing, safety analysis, and export control considerations as well as making nuclear communications a serious “hobby.” Read more...
Kenneth G. Hukari
Jain was the President and CEO of Empyrean until his retirement in May, 2022. He has served as an executive consultant in the energy industry on national and international levels. He has also served as a chairman and member of several safety review and oversight boards. He has been a long term benefactor/member of ANS and member of the US Nuclear Industry Council D&D Task Force. Read more...
Hugh Kendrick, in honor of J.R. (Bob) Beyster
Longtime ANS member Hugh Kendrick impacted the nuclear field with his contributions to nuclear materials safeguards and nuclear nonproliferation, thanks to the mentor he honors with his gift, J.R. (Bob) Beyster. Read more...
Dr. Klein is a professor in the School of Nuclear Science and Engineering at Oregon State University and serves on the Board of Directors for the American Nuclear Society. He has been a member of the faculty at Oregon State University since 1985. Read more...
Jacob M. Kulangara
Robert Lebo
John C. Lee
Warren F. Miller, Jr.
Tom and Joan Mistler, in honor of William Kimel
Joining ANS in the early 1960s, Thomas Mistler spent his career at Westinghouse Electric Company where he helped lead innovation, global expansion, government relations, and customer service. Read more...
Hisashi Ninokata
Mark W. Noakes
Kevin R. O'Kula
Arvind D. Patel
Kenneth S. Petersen
H. Peter Planchon
Michael Z. Podowski
An ANS Fellow, Dr. Podowski's research and educational efforts have always been on promoting critical thinking to maximize scientific evidence behind any proposed new solutions in all areas of his interest. Read more...
John W. Poston, Sr.
Lifetime member John W. Poston, Sr. has been part of the ANS family for more than 40 years. Read more...
D. V. Rao
A. Edward Scherer
An honorary life member, A. Edward Scherer has been an ANS member for more than 50 years. He is a participant of the Society’s Nuclear Installations Safety and Operations & Power professional divisions.
Michael J. Wallace
Robert C. Webb
William Arthur Wharton, III
George Zimmerman
Anonymous, in honor of Gerald P. Stone