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Pulsed Neutron Experiments in the Inherently Safe Subcritical Assembly

3:30–3:50PM PDT

D. Siefman (LLNL), W. Zywiec (LLNL), C. Percher (LLNL), D. Heinrichs (LLNL)

Critical Experiment Plans on the New STACY to Clarify the Criticality Characteristics of the Molten Core-Concrete Interaction Products

3:50–4:10PM PDT

Satoshi Gunji (Japan Atomic Energy Agency), Shouhei Araki (Japan Atomic Energy Agency), Kazuhiko Izawa (Japan Atomic Energy Agency), Kenya Suyama (Japan Atomic Energy Agency)

Designing a Deimos-Based Microreactor Criticality Experiment with MCNP and Whisper

4:10–4:30PM PDT

Alexis Maldonado (LANL), Keenan J. Hoffman (LANL), Kristin N. Stolte (LANL), Christopher Perfetti (Univ. New Mexico), Theresa E. Cutler (LANL), Holly R. Trellue (LANL)

The National Criticality Experiments Research Center: Capability Expansion and Experiments in the Last Three Years

4:30–4:50PM PDT

George E. McKenzie (LANL), Theresa E. Cutler (LANL), Travis J. Grove (LANL), Jesson D. Hutchinson (LANL), Juliann R. Lamproe (LANL), Nicholas W. Thompson (LANL), Nicholas H. Whitman (LANL), Joetta M. Goda (LANL)

Hermes Reactor Demonstration, Initial Startup and Physics Testing

4:50–5:10PM PDT

N. Satvat (Kairos Power), K. Riley (Kairos Power), F. Vitullo (Kairos Power), R. Hernandez (Kairos Power), M. Fratoni (Univ. California, Berkeley), B. Haugh (Kairos Power), E. Blandford (Kairos Power)


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