Now out from IAEA: 2022 Country Nuclear Power Profiles report

October 25, 2022, 8:43AMANS Nuclear Cafe

The International Atomic Energy Agency has released this year’s edition of Country Nuclear Power Profiles (CNPP), an annual report providing background information on the status and development of IAEA member states’ nuclear power programs. It contains historical information for 50 countries, including 30 with operating plants and 20 with past or planned programs.

The main objectives of the CNPP, according to the agency, are to consolidate information on the nuclear power infrastructure and developments in participating countries and to serve as a resource in the effective planning, decision making, and implementation of nuclear power programs. The report’s statistical data regarding plant operations, energy, and electricity use are drawn from national contributions, the World Bank’s World Development Indicators, and the IAEA’s Power Reactor Information System and Energy Economic Data Base.

New and improved: A total of 30 member states contributed new or updated information for the 2022 edition, ranging from those with operational and expanding nuclear power programs to those mulling the introduction of nuclear into their energy mix.

The 2022 CNPP also highlights key trends, including the increase in the number of national commitments to the development of nuclear power infrastructure; increased collaboration among IAEA member countries, the agency, and various other stakeholders; the importance of human resource development; and progress in research and development to bring onboard advanced reactor designs.

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