Nine new ANS Fellows named
American Nuclear Society Fellows hold the highest grade of membership in the Society. The following new Fellows were honored during Monday’s opening plenary session of the 2020 ANS Virtual Annual Meeting.

Rita Baranwal, ANS member since 2008 and the assistant secretary for nuclear energy at the Department of Energy, for leading the way to a new nuclear energy paradigm through visionary leadership that has spawned innovation by refocusing the efforts of the DOE laboratory complex to advance the U.S. nuclear industry.

Yaron Danon, ANS member since 2012 and director of the nuclear engineering program at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, for significant contributions to nuclear engineering and science through novel experimental and analytical research leading to more accurate nuclear cross-section data essential to the design of safe and reliable nuclear reactors.
Mitchell Farmer, ANS member since 2014 and nuclear engineer at Argonne National Laboratory, for innovative, sustained, and internationally recognized contributions addressing risk-significant severe accident issues in support of the light-water reactor industry. His work has helped shape the thinking of the nuclear industry and regulatory bodies around the world regarding the efficacy of accident management strategies.

Dennis W. Henneke, ANS member since 2010 and consulting probabilistic risk assessment (PRA) engineer at GE Hitachi (GEH), for contributions to PRAs and risk-informed applications since 1982, including risk monitors, fire PRA, PRA standards, and multiunit PRA, as well as for leading the development of PRAs for advanced boiling water reactors and sodium-cooled fast reactors at GEH.

Kostadin N. Ivanov, ANS member since 1993 and head of the Nuclear Engineering Department at North Carolina State University, for sustained and internationally recognized contributions to multidimensional reactor physics, multiphysics methodologies, and uncertainty analysis for design and safety analysis of nuclear systems.

Richard Y. Lee, ANS member since 1983 and chief of the Fuel & Source Term branch at the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, for sustained efforts to modernize methods for the safety analysis of power reactors including computer codes for fuel performance, neutronics, and accident analysis, as well as for his contributions to international cooperation to improve the analysis of power reactors.

Thomas A. Mehlhorn, ANS member since 2001 and private consultant with Mehlhorn Engineering Consulting Services, for scientific leadership in developing predictive simulation tools, discriminating diagnostics, and validation experiments, leading to major advances in the generation and application of intense ion and electron beams and Z-pinches for nuclear fusion, nuclear science, and defense missions.

Juergen Rapp, ANS member since 2012 and distinguished research and development staff at Oak Ridge National Laboratory, for technical leadership in fusion plasma-surface interactions, including the development of impurity seeding to mitigate fusion power exhaust, and in the development of experimental facilities for studying plasma-surface interactions at Magnum-PSI (Netherlands) and proto-MPEX (United States).
Kumar Sridharan, ANS member since 2013 and professor in the Engineering Physics and Materials Science and Engineering Departments at the University of Wisconsin–Madison, for major research contributions in materials corrosion and degradation processes in nuclear energy systems, and for impact on the nuclear industry through the development of improved fuel cladding concepts as well as education and mentorship of undergraduate and graduate students.