ANS Man vs. the Anti-Nuclear Zombie Plague
I grew up in the green rolling hills of east Tennessee and graduated from the University of Tennessee.
Photo by Wade Rackley/Tennessee JournalistLink:
Modified by Dave Pointer
I moved north to the great city of Chicago to work as a nuclear engineer.
Photo by Nimesh Madhavan.
Modified by Dave Pointer
But it wasn't long before I started hearing strange reports from home. Unsettling rumors-almost too strange to believe-of the dead returning to life and congregating in the streets of Chattanooga.
Photo by Just Shooting Memories.
Original zombie art by Dave Pointer
Their sole purpose-to oppose the use of nuclear science and technology, especially for the generation of electricity.
Photo by Richard Webb
Chainsaw clipart:
Original zombie art by Dave Pointer
As the cooler temperatures of autumn approached, we learned that the zombie plague had spread: the zombies were closing in on the public hearing on the Surplus Plutonium Disposition Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement (SEIS), scheduled for 5:30pm-8:00pm on September 11, 2012, at the Chattanooga Convention Center!
Photo by Dries BuyaertLink:
Original zombie art by Dave Pointer
I knew that I must act-and ANS Man was born!
ANS Man is every ANS member and no ANS member-a mystery figure armed with a PASSION for nuclear energy and the FACTS about nuclear science and technology.
Original ANS Man art by Dave Pointer
Faster than a speeding neutron, ANS Man traveled to Chattanooga and registered his intention to address the zombie crowd. He also stopped by the ANS Member Hospitality Room in MEETING ROOM ONE for a delicious cookie.
Photo by Dries Buyaert
Original ANS Man and Cookie art by Dave Pointer
When it was his turn to take the microphone in hand, ANS Man spoke eloquently and passionately about the benefits of nuclear science and technology and the safety of mixed oxide (MOX) fuel.
- Nuclear science and technology improves our lives in many ways and in many different areas: generates over 20 percent of U.S. electricity; makes our food safer; improves the quality of our tools, gauges, and machines; helps diagnose injuries and illnesses; treats cancers; and powers our exploration of the solar system.
- MOX fuel has been proven to be a safe and reliable fuel source over many reactor years of operation. The safety and performance record of MOX fuel is comparable to that of low-enriched uranium fuel.
- MOX fuel has been produced in five countries and is widely used in many reactors all over the world. Many nations view MOX as an essential part of their energy and fuel cycle management policies.
- The concept of using MOX fuel to dispose of surplus plutonium has received broad national and international support from scientific organizations such as the National Academy of Sciences, the US-Russian Independent Scientific Commission on Disposition of Excess Weapons Plutonium, Harvard University's Project on Managing the Atom, and the Non-Proliferation Project of the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace.
Original ANS Man art by Dave Pointer
Podium clipart from
The zombies were overwhelmed by his presentation, and, as they filled with new facts, new brains began to grow inside their zombie skulls.
The zombie plague was cured!
Original ANS Man art by Dave PointerBrain clipart from
Hopefully, this was entertaining. Unfortunately, there are people who will stop at nothing to reduce the use of nuclear energy, regardless of the consequences.
By opposing the safe and responsible use of MOX fuel technologies to reduce or eliminate excess weapons-grade plutonium stockpiles, the anti-nuclear zombies really do pose a threat: they make our world a much more dangerous place. As a nuclear engineer, I know that we can and should advance nuclear science and technology for the benefit of society. And we can do so safely and responsibly.
This issue is so important that the ANS Position Statement on Utilization of Surplus Weapons Plutonium As Mixed Oxide Fuel (ANS-47-2009) takes the unusual step of including a call to action-asking professional organizations to help inform the public about the nonproliferation benefits of the MOX fuel program and the safe and successful track record of manufacturing and using MOX fuel.
Don't wait for ANS Man to act on your behalf. Plan to attend and give your statement at the SEIS public hearing on September 11, 2012!
Capes are optional.

The ANS Member Hospitality Room will open at 5:00 pm on Tuesday, September 11, 2012, in Meeting Room One of the Chattanooga Convention Center.