NNSA releases annual M&O performance reviews

January 22, 2024, 7:01AMNuclear News

The National Nuclear Security Administration has issued the fiscal year 2023 results of the performance of its managing and operating (M&O) partners in meeting the agency’s expectations.

What’s there: The results feature assessment scorecards for each contractor that operates a lab, plant, or site. The NNSA’s performance goals, called Performance Evaluation and Measurement Plans (PEMP), are also included. The NNSA completes evaluations in meeting the performance expectations established in the annual PEMP. The full evaluation is called a Performance Evaluation Report.

Because the NNSA enters into award-fee incentive contracts with its M&O partners, the establishment of award-fee plans is required. These plans must identify evaluation criteria linked to acquisition objectives and must be defined in terms of contract cost, schedule, and technical performance.

Links:  Below are links to documents that summarize the accomplishments achieved and challenges faced by the NNSA’s partners during the past year.

The NNSA noted that the yearly evaluation process is an important aspect of the contract management system and is designed to assess the degree to which the M&O partners have achieved the goals set forth by NNSA at the beginning of the fiscal year.

While the M&O contract at the Savannah River Site includes work for both the NNSA and the Department of Energy’s Office of Environmental Management, the SRS Performance Evaluation Summary reflects work performance only for the NNSA.

Note: Redacted versions of the full performance evaluation reports can be found online at the NNSA’s FOIA Reading Room.

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