U.S. to lead call at COP28 to triple nuclear energy by 2050

November 17, 2023, 12:02PMNuclear News

The United States will spearhead a pledge at the upcoming COP28 summit in Dubai to triple the world’s nuclear power capacity by 2050, according to a November 15 Bloomberg exclusive.

Joining the U.S. in the pledge, Bloomberg said, will likely be the United Kingdom, France, Sweden, Finland, and South Korea. A later piece on HuffPost added Ghana, Japan, Morocco, Poland, Romania, the United Arab Emirates, and Japan to the list of pledge proponents.

Both stories reported that the pledge will pressure the World Bank to include nuclear energy in its lending policies.

ANS weighs in: On behalf of America's nuclear professionals, we welcome the anticipated commitment by the United States and other countries to tripling global nuclear energy production by 2050, the American Nuclear Society said in a November 16 statement. This transformative undertaking not only underscores the urgency of our times but signals a resolute leap forward in meeting the world’s climate and energy needs.

Tripling the world's nuclear energy supplies by 2050 is the catalyst required to halt rising temperatures and achieve a sustainable future. A large-scale build-out of new nuclear energy can only happen with the crafting of nuclear-inclusive lending policies by financial institutions like the World Bank. We look forward to the announcement.”

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