American Nuclear Society

Home / About / History of ANS / 50th Anniversary / Historic Information / Futureqest

Since nuclear technology spans the boundaries of so many different disciplines, it's difficult to find "one voice" that can speak for all of us. After all, we're doctors, scientists, educators, and engineers... utility managers, agriculturalists.. This diversity is the very reason that the American Nuclear Society exists.

Our Golden Anniversary reflects the remarkable progress made during the past half-century. With it, the Golden Opportunities become increasingly apparent - the future holds limitless potential for continued exploration, invention, and innovation of nuclear science.

As part of our 50th Anniversary, ANS will collect member accounts of the "golden opportunities" facing the nuclear field in the next fifty years. You can help us celebrate the 50th Anniversary of ANS by sharing the quests for the future of this science.

Consider stories that you can share about the golden opportunity you may be working on:

  • Innovative designs
  • New applications
  • Primary research
  • Your vision of the future of nuclear

Please send a general description and timeline for inventions or innovations to Futurequest, as well as the name of the researcher, engineer, or scientist and their contact information so we may follow up for details or photos if needed.

Since the discovery of radiation, nuclear science and technology have held promise to benefit both business and society. In many cases, we have succeeded. We ask that you update those predictions and forecasts based on the work you and your colleagues are doing now.

For five decades, ANS members have made great progress in their industry. Today, the science and technology of the atom are positive parts of our everyday lives. As we commemorate the history of our association, ANS invites you to celebrate our future as well.

Last updated June 1, 2012, 11:40am CDT.