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ANS Brings Leaders and Legends to Speak at 2013 Conference

Leaders in Nuclear, Energy, and Science headline sessions in Washington, D.C.

Tracy Marc|

A wide range of leaders in nuclear, energy and science will speak at the 2013 American Nuclear Society (ANS) Winter Meeting in Washington, D.C. from November 10th – 14th.

The ANS Winter Meeting’s Opening Plenary will feature U.S. Secretary of Energy Ernest Moniz, George Schultz, former Secretary of State, Jim Rogers, Chairman of the Board of Duke Energy, the Honorable Samuel Nunn Jr., former U.S. Senator from Georgia, and Dr. Sid Drell Professor Emeritus at the Stanford Linear Accelerator Center and Senior Fellow at Stanford’s Hoover Institution.

A Special Session, hosted by ANS President Donald R. Hoffman, will feature the Honorable Allison M. Macfarlane, Chairman of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Dr. Ralph Cicerone, President of the National Academy of Sciences, Dr. C.D. Mote, President of the National Academy of Engineering, the Honorable Peter Lyons, Assistant Secretary for Nuclear Energy at the Department of Energy, and Dr. Susan Eisenhower, Chairman Emeritus at the Eisenhower Institute.

“The caliber of our speakers this year continues to highlight the importance of nuclear technology as a top energy priority in the United States,” says James Rogers, head of Duke Energy and Chairman of the conference. “Around the world innovation in nuclear science and technology is growing, and this ANS gathering provides the opportunity to bring those advancements here.”

The conference features more than 50 sessions covering a wide range of topics including safety, career enhancement for women, using nuclear science and technology in space exploration, updated safety standards in nuclear reactors, an update on new nuclear construction around the world, and much more. This year’s Winter Meeting will also celebrate the 75th Anniversary of the discovery of nuclear fission.

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