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The Hofstra Debate in Brief

American Nuclear Society position on nuclear equality

Dr. Paul Wilson, a Professor at the University of Wisconsin at Madison represented the American Nuclear Society (ANS) in a Hofstra University Debate, “Should Nuclear Energy Be Expanded to Create a More Sustainable Future?" on Nov. 20 in Hempstead, NY. A video of the debatecan be found on YouTube. Comments can be made on the site.

ANS’s “nuclear equality” message was reinforced by Dr. Wilson and nuclear supporter speaker Dr. J. Bret Bennington. They told the audience that no carbon-free energy source should be taken off the table. All four panelists, including Arnie Gunderson and Dr. Heidi Hutner, were in agreement that carbon-free energy sources must be more quickly developed and implemented to meet carbon reduction goals. 

The debate video can also currently be found on Hofstra’s website, and offers a comment section. However, please note that Hofstra may remove the video from its website without notice.

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