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Extend Your Outreach with the ANS Learning Tool Teachers Love!

Tracy Marc|

Looking to extend your outreach options? The ANS Isotope Discovery Kit is an exciting, hands-on tool for use in classrooms, science fairs, and public events. The kit was developed to assist students in understanding isotopes and their relationship to the "Line of Stability," and engages a range of learning styles. 

Completely interactive, the kit includes large vinyl banners of the Periodic table and the Chart of the Nuclides, as well as 20 sturdy tiles representing the elements and 299 tiles representing isotopes. 

While teachers and students love learning with the Isotope Discovery Kit, the cost of this high-quality tool - $589.95 to non-members - can be prohibitively expensive for schools. 

ANS members and sections can help by purchasing a kit to lend or donate to your local schools. With an ANS member discount, you save nearly $60 and can bring one of our most popular learning tools to students throughout your area. The Isotope Discovery Kit is available through the ANS store.

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Outreach Department|708-579-8224