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Idaho ANS Local Section Recognized with Two Awards

Members to be presented with awards at 2013 Winter Meeting in Washington, D.C.

Tracy Marc|

The American Nuclear Society (ANS) awarded the ANS Idaho Local Section with both the 2013 Large Local Section Best Membership award as well as the Best Section Management award.

Chartered in 1957, the Idaho Section of the American Nuclear Society is one of the largest local sections in the nation. This past year, the section hosted speaker forums which included Dr. Peter Lyons, Assistant Secretary for Nuclear Energy from the Department of Energy, author and former New York Times reporter Philip Taubman, and additionally hosted public smoke detector handout events.

ANS President Donald R. Hoffman will present Idaho Local Section with their awards at the 2013 ANS Winter Meeting in Washington, D.C. during the President’s Special Session.

ANS Local Sections provide an opportunity for ANS members to be engaged with the organization and public at the local level. Local Sections are able to deliver their residents news and information on how nuclear has enhanced our quality of life in their communities.

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