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ANS Applauds Obama Administration, DOE on Proposed Nuclear Export Regulation Updates

Tracy Marc|

The American Nuclear Society commends the Obama Administration for issuing a revised proposal to update nuclear export regulations under 10 CFR Part 810.

The Society believes that, as the global nuclear marketplace becomes more competitive, it is critically important for the US to regularly review and update its nuclear export control policies. The revised regulations unveiled this week by the US Department of Energy represent a thoughtful attempt to balance the economic and security benefits of increased US nuclear exports with the need to maintain strong nonproliferation protections.

"ANS recognizes that US companies exporting nuclear technology to certain countries may face temporary delays, as well as increased paperwork as a result of the announced revisions," says ANS President Donald R. Hoffman. "However, DOE's economic analysis suggests that the revised regulations will have a net positive benefit on US nuclear exports. These revisions are a good next step in the process."

The Society urges the US Department of Energy to ensure that it has sufficient resources to resolve any disruptions expeditiously, and that nuclear export policies and procedures are transparent and responsive to the needs of the U.S. nuclear supply chain. ANS strongly encourages the administration to complete the rulemaking process and move quickly and flexibly to negotiate agreements with nations actively considering a new civilian nuclear energy program.

Overall, ANS believes that the US should remain committed to facilitating an expansion of the peaceful use of nuclear energy through the export of US nuclear goods and services. Exports of nuclear technology provide the United States with important nonproliferation advantages, including consent right on US-manufactured nuclear fuel, the ability to control the transfer of nuclear technology, and greater influence in the nuclear policies of US partner nations.

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