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Nuclear policy and industry leaders examine advances in security and nonproliferation

Nuclear professionals will gather at the American Nuclear Society's Winter Meeting & Nuclear Technology Expo to present current research and discuss the future of nuclear security and nonproliferation around the world. The meeting will take place in Albuquerque, New Mexico from November 12-16 at the Albuquerque Convention Center, Hyatt Regency Hotel and the Doubletree Hotel.

Monday's Opening Plenary, "Ensuring the Future in Times of Change: Nonproliferation and Security," will begin at 8 a.m. and feature remarks from ANS President Harold McFarlane, and Honorary Co-Chairs Senator Pete Domenici, R-New Mexico and Senator Jeff Bingaman, D-New Mexico. The meeting General Co-Chairs Michael Anastasio, Director, Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) and Tom Hunter, Director, Sandia National Laboratory (SNL). Thomas Hirons (LANL), Thomas Sanders (SNL), and Raymond Gabaldon III (SNL), share responsibilities as Assistant General Co-Chairs for the meeting. Robert Busch, University of New Mexico is the Technical Program Chair.

The Nuclear Technology Expo will feature organizations with state of the art technologies in waste management, fuel handling, engineering, the future generation of reactors and more.

Monday afternoon at 1 p.m. the President's Special Session, "Perspectives on the Global Nuclear Energy Partnership (GNEP)," will focus on the growing needs and benefits for expansions in nuclear energy.

NOTE TO MEDIA: ANS welcomes the media to pre-register for free badges at To register online complete the basic information at the top of the page, select Transactions as your meeting publication (for registration purposes only), click proceed at the bottom of the page, select Visa in the payment section and write out MEDIA for your credit card number. All Media must register and bring media credentials. Signs for walk-in registration will be posted or visit the ANS Media Center, from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. November 13-15 at the Doubletree Hotel in the Hardin boardroom. A preliminary program is also available online. Contact Prema Chandrathil for assistance to arrange interviews with meeting speakers and attendees.
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Outreach Department|708-579-8224