American Nuclear Society


career center

Here is a random sample of the types of candidates you can expect to find within the Career Center Resume Database.

Please e-mail with the subject line "Resume Preview" to receive updated resume info and get pre-authorized for search access. Be sure to include your company name, location, and the title of the position you are trying to fill.

Business Development Manager
Chemical Engineer
Cyber Security Engineer
Former Nuclear Navy seeking next opportunity
Lead Engineer: Nuclear M.S., Physics B.S., Mechanical B.S.
Lead Nuclear Auditor
Mechanical Engineer
Nuclear Engineer (recent graduate) seeking entry level position
Nuclear Engineer and CHP
Nuclear Engineering titles (multiple)
Nuclear Manager
Nuclear Project and Engineering Manager
Nuclear Project Manager/Engineer/Licensing Specialist
Nuclear Quality Engineer
Nuclear Scientist
Professional Engineer
Professor, Nuclear Engineering
Recent graduate seeking entry level position in nuclear engineering
Research & Development Engineer
Research Engineer, PhD
Senior Reactor Operator

Last modified June 8, 2015, 3:35pm CDT